Wish you all a very happy new year. May god keep you healthy , happy and peaceful.
We heard about some minor accidents of fire, building collapse, and one 9/11 type attack on Russian buildings near moon wobble of 22 Dec. Additionally Mars - Pluto are in opposition for almost a month.
Another area of news flow is flight accidents that killed many in Azerbaijan flight and Korean flight. This is very unusual that two flight accidents in 4 days period. Jupiter (big), Saturn (security flow) and Mercury (mode of communication) and making t square in middle of mutable signs. This signature is highly amplified by Orcus in Virgo.
Moon will continue to trigger planets near 9 degrees i.e birthdate of 1 and near by like April 1, May 1, etc . New moon are happening on December 30 and Jan 29. 2025. It will push you in new direction.
Full moon of the month is on January 14 in Cancer sign which is already having Mars in it. Mars will move to Caner back in retrograde on January 7. Mars is all about actions but it gets emotional tough in Cancer water.
Water sign will get addition support from North node. It will enter in it on January 11. Pisces is already having Neptune and Saturn and they are making vision sharper and reality harsher. North node was in Pisces from June 23, 2006 to Dec 18, 2007, and Dec 3, 1987 to May 22, 1989. Similar things may come up now.
Lets discuss the birthdates that are affected , 20 ( North node entry in Pisces), 14 (Full moon), and 1st (New moons).
Mercury and Mars are in opposite sides of the universe so pressure will be action and communication. Utilise these two for maximise the result.
Signs wise details are as follows.
Mars , your ruler, is going to change sign on 7th Jan. Actions will get emotional touch.
New moon of December 30 will trigger a career movement. And you have to push it by focusing more on home situations.
Full moon of January 14 is in Cancer sign. It is emotional tough for you. Home will bring pleasant surprise. Uranus is in good vives from it. Money may not be issue now. It is more so of you were born near April 14 or have any planet near 24 degree Cancer. Though Mars is too close to this full moon, Combustion of emotion and action will be key now. This full moon is positive as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North node are in sync.
New moon will further come around January 29 in Aquarius. This new moon has highly skewed chart with Mars and Pluto taking charge. Action and Passion would be on opposite side with transformation in mind, This new moon has Jupiter’s support , so a lucky new moon or beginning in social arena. Enjoy a new circle you are going to develop soon. Communication and choices will be in your favour. It is more so, if you were born near March 29, or near to it.
Mars (Action in travel and education ) and North node (focus in social life, friends, and hope) both will move in water sign soon on Jan 07 and 11. These movements will help Taurus in big way as movement is in supportive houses.
New moon of December 30 will trigger a long term education move or legal move. You could see long horizon in life.
Full moon of January 14 is in Cancer sign. It is emotional tough for you. Relatives , sibling , skill or travel support will come with pleasant surprise. Uranus is in good vives from it. Your own energy may not be issue now. It is more so of you were born near May 14 or have any planet near 24 degree Cancer. Though Mars is too close to this full moon, combustion of emotion and action will be key now. This full moon is positive as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North node are in sync. Drive carefully and use your words and mobile with care.
New moon will further come around January 29 in Aquarius. This new moon has highly skewed chart with Mars and Pluto taking charge. Action and Passion would be on opposite side with transformation in mind, This new moon has Jupiter’s support , so a lucky new moon or beginning in social status and career. It will be right time to push career in right direction. Communication and choices will be in your favour. It is more so, if you were born near April 29, or near to it.
Gemini sign is waiting for Jupiter to turn direct on February 11 in own sign. Things may fall in place after that day. You will get extra boost for sure.
Mars (Action in earned income ) and North node (focus in career , and social status) both will move in water sign soon on Jan 07 and 11 respectively. Emotions may be high now and it may trigger emotional verbal talks.
New moon of December 30 will trigger partner’s income and gain move. You could see long horizon in life. Partnership may be key connect now.
Full moon of January 14 is in Cancer sign. It is emotional tough for you. It is house of earning. Mental peace will be key now. Uranus is in good vives from it. It is more so of you were born near June 14 or have any planet near 24 degree Cancer. Though Mars is too close to this full moon, combustion of emotion and action may get trigger. This full moon is productive as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North node are in sync. Drive carefully and use your words and mobile with care.
New moon will further come around January 29 in Aquarius. This new moon has highly skewed chart with Mars and Pluto taking charge. Action and Passion would be on opposite side with transformation in mind, This new moon has Jupiter’s support , so a lucky new moon or beginning in legal issues and education. It will be right time to push education in right direction. Communication and choices will be in your favour. It is more so, if you were born near May 29, or near to it.
Mars (Action in own sign ) and North node (focus in travel and education) both will move in water sign soon on Jan 07 and 11 respectively. You will gain back leadership.
New moon of December 30 will trigger marriage and connect. Partnership will be key for growth.
Full moon of January 14 is in Cancer sign. It is emotional tough for you. Social peace will be key now. Uranus is in good vives from it. It is more so of you were born near July 14 or have any planet near 24 degree Cancer. Though Mars is too close to this full moon, combustion of emotion and action may get trigger. This full moon is productive as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North node are in sync. Drive carefully and use your words and mobile with care. Something very personal to you may reach at culmination point.
New moon will further come around January 29 in Aquarius. This new moon has highly skewed chart with Mars and Pluto taking charge. Action and Passion would be on opposite side with transformation in mind, This new moon has Jupiter’s support , so a lucky new moon or beginning in partnership issues or partner’s property. It will be right time to invest heavily in big causes in right direction. Communication and choices will be in your favour. It is more so, if you were born near June 29, or near to it.
Mars (Action in mental peace ) and North node (focus in partner’s income) both will move in water sign soon on Jan 07 and 11 respectively. You will feel stressed at career side. You may work full time to show visibility.
New moon of December 30 will trigger job and health. Wellness is key , it may be for self or others.
Full moon of January 14 is in Cancer sign. It is emotional tough for you. Mental peace will be key now. Uranus is in good vives from it. It is more so of you were born near August 14 or have any planet near 24 degree Cancer. Though Mars is too close to this full moon, combustion of emotion and action may get trigger. This full moon is productive as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North node are in sync. Drive carefully and use your words and mobile with care. Something very personal to you may reach at culmination point. Observe your thinking. It may divert to new direction.
New moon will further come around January 29 in Aquarius. This is marriage area for you. This new moon has highly skewed chart with Mars and Pluto taking charge. Action and Passion would be on opposite side with transformation in mind, This new moon has Jupiter’s support , so a lucky new moon or beginning in partnership issues or partner’s property. It will be right time to invest in deep bonds in big causes in right direction. Communication and choices will be in your favour. It is more so, if you were born near July 29, or near to it.
Mars (Action in social links and connects ) and North node (focus in marriage) both will move in water sign soon on Jan 07 and 11 respectively. You will feel focused at partnership and social commitments for time being.
New moon of December 30 will trigger love and creative things. It will be matter of hearts.
Full moon of January 14 is in Cancer sign. It is emotional tough for you. Social peace will be key now. Uranus is in good vives from it. It is more so of you were born near September 14 or have any planet near 24 degree Cancer. Though Mars is too close to this full moon, combustion of emotion and action may get trigger. This full moon is productive as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North node are in sync. Drive carefully and use your words and mobile with care. Something social to you will reach at culmination. It may be friendship and social group.
New moon will further come around January 29 in Aquarius. This is job or health area for you. This new moon has highly skewed chart with Mars and Pluto taking charge. Action and Passion would be on opposite side with transformation in mind, This new moon has Jupiter’s support , so a lucky new moon or beginning in job and health issues. It will be time for key initiative in health and wellness.
It is more so, if you were born near August 29, or near to it.
Mars (Action in social status and career ) and North node (focus in job and health) both will move in water sign soon on Jan 07 and 11 respectively. You will feel focused at work life in coming days and what to push career to new level.
New moon of December 30 will trigger home and mother’s health things. It will be matter of base.
Full moon of January 14 is in Cancer sign. It is emotional tough for you. Social status will be key now. Uranus is in good vives from it. It is more so of you were born near October 14 or have any planet near 24 degree Cancer. Though Mars is too close to this full moon, combustion of emotion and action may get trigger. This full moon is productive as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North node are in sync. Drive carefully and use your words and mobile with care. Something social to you will reach at culmination. It may be boss, career and social status
New moon will further come around January 29 in Aquarius. This is love or child area for you. This new moon has highly skewed chart with Mars and Pluto taking charge. Action and Passion would be on opposite side with transformation in mind, This new moon has Jupiter’s support , so a lucky new moon or beginning in love, child and heart issues. It will be time to fulfil heart desires.
It is more so, if you were born near September 29, or near to it.
Mars (Action in legal matters ) and North node (focus in love and child) both will move in water sign soon on Jan 07 and 11 respectively. You will feel focused at love and heart for coming months.
New moon of December 30 will trigger sibling and relatives area. It will be new direction you will get here.
Full moon of January 14 is in Cancer sign. It is emotional tough for you. Legal matters will be key now. Uranus is in good vives from it. It is more so of you were born near November 14 or have any planet near 24 degree Cancer. Though Mars is too close to this full moon, combustion of emotion and action may get trigger. This full moon is productive as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North node are in sync. Drive carefully and use your words and mobile with care. Something social to you will reach at culmination. It may be time to fix legal issue, build relations with relatives.
New moon will further come around January 29 in Aquarius. This is home matters area for you. This new moon has highly skewed chart with Mars and Pluto taking charge. Action and Passion would be on opposite side with transformation in mind, This new moon has Jupiter’s support , so a lucky new moon or beginning in home and mother’s chart issues. It will be time to strengthen your base.
It is more so, if you were born near October 29, or near to it.
Mars (Action in partnership ‘s income matters ) and North node (focus at home and mother) both will move in water sign soon on Jan 07 and 11 respectively. You will feel focused at home matters in next 18 months.
New moon of December 30 will trigger earning area. It will be new direction you will get here.
Full moon of January 14 is in Cancer sign. It is emotional tough for you. Partners’ income p matters will be key now. Uranus is in good vives from it. It is more so of you were born near December 14 or have any planet near 24 degree Cancer. Though Mars is too close to this full moon, combustion of emotion and action may get trigger. This full moon is productive as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North node are in sync. Drive carefully and use your words and mobile with care. Something big financial need may come up now or you may invest big in something.
New moon will further come around January 29 in Aquarius. This is sibling , travel and relatives matters area for you. This new moon has highly skewed chart with Mars and Pluto taking charge. Action and Passion would be on opposite side with transformation in mind, This new moon has Jupiter’s support , so a lucky new moon or beginning in new productive work, skill, education, course, or travel schedule.
It is more so, if you were born near November 29, or near to it.
Mars (Action in marriage and commitment ) and North node (focus at sibling and connect) both will move in water sign soon on Jan 07 and 11 respectively. You will feel focused at relatives or skill development. Some exam result may be key here.
New moon of December 30 will trigger outlook and energy area. It will be new direction you will get here.
Full moon of January 14 is in Cancer sign. It is emotional tough for you. Marriage matters will be key now. Uranus is in good vives from it. It is more so of you were born near January 14 or have any planet near 24 degree Cancer. Though Mars is too close to this full moon, combustion of emotion and action may get trigger. This full moon is productive as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North node are in sync. Drive carefully and use your words and mobile with care. Partnership need some fix, or marriage may come up with some surprise.
New moon will further come around January 29 in Aquarius. This is earning matters area for you. This new moon has highly skewed chart with Mars and Pluto taking charge. Action and Passion would be on opposite side with transformation in mind, This new moon has Jupiter’s support , so a lucky new moon or beginning in new productive earning source. .
It is more so, if you were born near December 29, or near to it.
Mars (Action in job and health ) and North node (focus at earning income) both will move in water sign soon on Jan 07 and 11 respectively. You will feel focused at earning more and more.
New moon of December 30 will trigger mental thoughts area. It will be new direction you will get here.
Full moon of January 14 is in Cancer sign. It is emotional tough for you. Job and health matters will be key now. Uranus is in good vives from it. It is more so of you were born near February 14 or have any planet near 24 degree Cancer. Though Mars is too close to this full moon, combustion of emotion and action may get trigger. This full moon is productive as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North node are in sync. Drive carefully and use your words and mobile with care. Job may need fix if not going well.
New moon will further come around January 29 in Aquarius. This is outlook matters area for you. This new moon has highly skewed chart with Mars and Pluto taking charge. Action and Passion would be on opposite side with transformation in mind, This new moon has Jupiter’s support , so a lucky new moon or beginning in new productive energy for you.
It is more so, if you were born near January 29, or near to it.
Mars (Action in love and child ) and North node (focus at outlook) both will move in water sign soon on Jan 07 and 11 respectively. You will feel focused to build new you.
New moon of December 30 will trigger social thoughts area. It will be new direction you will get here.
Full moon of January 14 is in Cancer sign. It is emotional tough for you. Love and child matters will be key now. Uranus is in good vives from it. It is more so of you were born near March 14 or have any planet near 24 degree Cancer. Though Mars is too close to this full moon, combustion of emotion and action may get trigger. This full moon is productive as Mars, Neptune, Uranus, North node are in sync. Drive carefully and use your words and mobile with care. Love and child will be key here. A heart matter may reach at culmination.
New moon will further come around January 29 in Aquarius. This is outlook matters area for you. This new moon has highly skewed chart with Mars and Pluto taking charge. Action and Passion would be on opposite side with transformation in mind, This new moon has Jupiter’s support , so a lucky new moon or beginning in new productive energy for you un mind.
It is more so, if you were born near February 29, or near to it.
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