Capricorn 2012 Horoscope
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Eclipses are also impacting your health. Some health issue may also come up. If you are not caring about your health, these eclipses will expose it. Do regular check-up of your health. Stick to health regime. Both emotional and physical health should be balanced. Meditate regularly.

First Lunar eclipse is showing tough aspect with Venus. Work and health will be tested now. If all is well, then expect next level of work assignment.   

Second lunar eclipse is showing rough angle with Venus and Mars. This eclipse will attack on mind. Hidden truths will come out. In-laws may demand extra commitment. Education too will be tough to gain.      

Third Lunar eclipse is most aspected one. Complex full moon will drive peak in emotionality. Do take care of your outlook. You may be playing with project deadline. Project may be crucial and client may be demanding. Work environment may be little shaky. Family member will support you in this tough time.

Date Culmination Point Area ( Full moons -2012 ) Impacted birthdays
'Dec-10, 2011 Work, job, or physical health 10
'Jan-7 Marriage and Realtions 7
'Feb-7 Partner’s income, legal matters, loans, taxes, gains, or losses 7
'Mar-8 Higher education, spirituality, in-laws, or foreign people  8
'Apr-6 Social Status, Career, VIP 6
'May-5 Social events, friends, hope, or vision 5
'Jun-4 Psychological health, mental health, hidden enemies, hidden friends, or hidden places  4
'Jul-3 Self outlook, perceptions, how others look at you  3
'Aug-1 Earned income, self worth 1
'Aug-31 Sibling, communication, short distance travel 31
'Sep-30 Domestic environment, property matters, Mother’s health 30
'Oct-29 Romantic matters, love, creativity, child or pregnancy 29
'Nov-28 Work, job, or physical health 28
'Dec-28 Relationship, business, marriage, or enemies 28

  • Solar Eclipses
  • Solar eclipses are always known for initiatives. These are less emotional. Luckily these are less aspected this year. You may take aggressive initiatives.  

    First solar eclipse is in Gemini, which is in work and health. You have a golden opportunity to take a step toward greater fitness or improved health. Keep eating right and staying strong – this would be no time to slow down. Give some time to domestic affairs too.  

    Second solar eclipse is in Scorpio.  You may make a new friend, or this may be a good time to find love. It is great time to invest in charity and people.

    Date Initiation Point Area ( New moons – 2012 ) Impacted birthdays
    'Jan-21 Earned Income and Self worth 21
    'Feb-21 Sibling, Communication, Contract and Travel 21
    'Mar-22 Domestic Matters, Mother’s health, Property 22
    'Apr-21 Love, Creativity, Elder Child 21
    'May-20 Work , Health, Coworker 20
    'Jun-19 Work , Health, Coworker 19
    'Jul-19 Marriage and relations 19
    'Aug-17 Partner’s income, Gains, and losses 17
    'Sep-15 Travel, Education, Spirtuality, Distant relatives 15
    'Oct-15 Career and Social Status 15
    'Nov-13 Social events, friends, hope, or vision 13
    'Dec-13 Psychological health, mental health, hidden enemies, hidden friends, or hidden places  13

    Major Aspects
    Major aspects will start in middle of 2012. Venus has rare transit across Sun on June 6, 2012. It means focus on feminism, food, luxury, or music for all signs.

    Uranus squaring with Pluto is major transit of the year. These planets came together in the mid 1960's and will oppose each other from 2045. There are seven exact square between Uranus and Pluto between 2012 and 2015. Uranus represents change, invention, revolution and higher awareness. Pluto represents globalization, destruction, transformation and renewal, Heliocentric square in both planet will happen on November 2013. In 2012, squares are happening on June 24 and September 19, 2012. This aspect is more about global impact than personal. However, this will impact for Capricorn in self-outlook and domestic affairs. Near same time, June 25, Jupiter and Neptune are tough with each other. Expect haziness in sibling and contract.

    On July 21, Jupiter is making great sextile with Uranus. It must put focus on domestic matters and work. Work harder to build your home safe. On October 10, Saturn and Neptune are making lovely trine. Do expect stability in sibling and social issues.

    On December 26, Saturn will make supportive angle with Pluto (in self-outlook) God’s finger (yod) is happening on December 21, 2012. Three major planets Pluto (passion in self-outlook), Saturn (responsibility in social matters), and Jupiter (luck in work and health) are making great supportive aspect. Improvement may happen in mentioned areas.

    People born within 20 to 30th of any month are comparatively most aspected. Similar is true, if you born within n hrs to n hrs+40 minutes (n is even number like 2,4,6) of any days.

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