Market weekly

By admin , 30 September, 2024

This is proving to be a very bullish period for global stock indices following the recent lunar eclipse conjunct Neptune and making a grand trine to Uranus and Pluto on September 18. In fact, this could be a harbinger of what to expect as we enter the “Aries Vortex” next spring as Saturn begins its 36-year conjunction with Neptune at – guess what? – 0° Aries, the “World Point.” This will also be the midpoint of Uranus trine Pluto.

All global indices were bullish last week. In Asia and the Pacific Rim, Australia’s ASX and India’s Nifty made new all all-time highs on Friday. Japan’s Nikkei is knocking at the door of the same. Hong Kong and China had huge rallies, ending their longer-term being trends.

A lot has happened in financial markets over the past two weeks, following the lunar eclipse conjunct Neptune (and trine Uranus and Pluto). Several stock indices and Gold made new all-time highs. Silver and Bitcoin are on the move up. All this euphoria has been created by central banks lowering their benchmark interest rates on that lunar eclipse conjunct Neptune.

How long can this euphoria (and bullishness) last under the Jupiter waning square to Saturn aspect that is in effect until mid-June 2025? We also need to bear in mind the important Saturn in a waxing semi-square to Pluto aspect that began in early May and will last through January 27, 2025.

Saturn/Neptune conjunction of February 2026 +/- 10 months, and on the midpoint of 2025-2027 Aries Vortex. Important things are happening now in the cosmos.

Aside from those long-term transiting aspects, next week will also witness a solar eclipse at 10° Libra on October 2. It does not make any major aspects to other planets, nor are there other major planetary aspects in effect to one another taking place. But the eclipse may be important by the simple fact that it finds the Sun and Moon both in air signs. Air-air combinations are important solar/lunar reversal signatures, especially for Silver. That is, when the Sun is in an air sign, the 3-4 times during the month that also finds the Moon in an air sign usually coincides with at least one of those 2-3-day intervals coinciding with a steep sell off in Silver.

