ARIES (Mar 21 to April 19)::June 2020 Horoscope

June is a significant month. Mid year eclipses are there. 2 Big planets will go in retrograde. Mercury will go in retrograde on June 18 and Neptune on June 23. Most planets are in sleepy mode other than Uranus and Mars, So be conscious and use the time for revier , repair and realignment.

Huge career pressure is for people born neat April 18. Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are in career chart. Pressure is to perform or perish kind. June 30 seems like a great day to play big shots. Jupiter and Pluto will conjunct.

Lunar eclipse of June 5 is supportive to you . Traveling is possible. Some educational result may come.Sagittarius is about freedom and expanding your horizon, It is about desire to have travel in current lockdown kind situation. Emotion and impulsiveness is very high during this eclipse. Mental thoughts may be erratic. If you were born near April 5 this eclipse will be direct to you. In-laws or legal matters may come up. Venus is opposing it so comfort will shake up.

Mercury will go retrograde on June 18 to July 12. Know your plans well. Review them well. Eclipses may through excessive information to keep finger crossed and cross check information.

Neptune will go retrograde from June 22 (20 Deg Pisces) to November 28 (18 Deg Pisces). It is time to cut off the illusion from the past. Know your thoughts well. Illusion or day dreaming may be controlled. .

Solar eclipse of June 21 is new beginning. It will act differently for people born near March 22 and April 20. For mArch 22, it is new begining in home and domestic affairs. For April 21, It will be time to initiate a new beginning to have sibling matters. It will be forces initiative.Next six months willll be on this initiative.

My new book on =Theory of Consciousness= is now available on Amazon. You can buy it here on link..

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