Key houses have huge focus in 2020. Cancer are best in knowing interpersonal skills. Emotions rule you. It is hard for you adjust with a rational person. A balance is needed between emotional and rational world.
Too many rational people may suffocate you. You may feel why people don't have heart. Why everyone is racing to gain money ? we should build teams and humanity. Democracy is falling across the world. Power is getting centralised. We need more poets, writers, lovers, nurses and healers, Cancer sign is my hope. War is not solution of every problem.
2020 is bringing new hope. New life to us. Amazon burned and we are losing nature. Cancer can do better in the current situation to protect the balance of the world.
Self vs others
I choose this as the first focus for Cancer of 2020 as Saturn (slow and steady), Pluto (passion) and Jupiter (luck) are passing through this house. Jupiter will add some sense in ruthless power grabbing and compassion. If you are feeling pressure in marriage chart, 2020 will bring this focus ahead. Jupiter may bring some optimism in it. It is time to know the partner and his compulsion too. Slow and steady wins the race. Add some heart in connection. Everything can be win with it. Everyone likes a Cancer. Many times you are binding gel in a team.
If single, partnership may be your priority now. It is better to know your partner. An ideal person is balance of heart (emotionality) and brain (rationality). People around you may be running to get their goals at all cost. Capricorn wants discipline and career is their main priority. Capricorns are current theme of the world.
It is possible that one connection or relation, you have no power. Partner is dictating the terms. You may feel helpless. Tears are best outcome here. Share things to others. Don't suffer in isolation. Best tool to crack domestic violence is to speak it out loud. Send suppressor a clear message that you won't tolerate it anymore.
Four more eclipses left Dec 26, 2019, Jan 10 , Jun 21, and Jul 5. Eclipses comes every six months in pair. Mars (Impulsive actions) will join the party on February 16 to March 30.
Only from March 21 to July 1, some respite is there as Saturn will go out of Capricorn. First three months have huge focus. Then Saturn will return to tackle the same area for last six months of the year.
This is a once in a lifetime kind of focus on marriage. Even good marriages may see issues. It will need good counsellor to help. Jupiter will smoothen the pain. It will protect the bond.
Good part is Cancer born within July 8 to July 22 will get maximum focus here. Second half of Cancer would have more focus than Cancer born in first half. Key dates and aspects are written below.
- Dec 26- Solar eclipse - Capricorn
- Jan 10 - Lunar eclipse - Cancer
- Jan 8 Jupiter opposition True Node
- Jan 12 Saturn conjunct Pluto
- Feb 20 Jupiter sextile Neptune
- Jun 21 - Solar eclipse Cancer
- Jul 5 - Lunar eclipse Capricorn
- Jul 27 - Jupiter sextile Neptune
- Nov 12 -Jupiter conjunct Pluto
- Dec 29 - Full moon Cancer
Wellness, Job and and Health
Job and health will be new focus soon. Eclipses would come in it. Wellness is overall. Add yoga , meditation, and good food in your habit. Jupiter was there in physical health chart. You may be worried about optimistic about your work life or health life. Same aspect will get amplified in 2020 second half.
Three eclipses are there. North node will move in this part on May 6. It will question what are you eating ? why are you worried? Is your lifestyle OK ? Prepare yourself for these questions now. It will be easier to pass through this cosmic test.
These are key dates
- May 22- New moon Gemini
- Jun 5 - Lunar eclipse Sagittarius
- Nov 30- Lunar eclipse - Gemini
- Dec 14- Solar eclipse - Sagittarius
Career, home, parents:
Mars will be in this house for many months. Entire second half in 2020 , it is in Aries . It shows that huge focus and action will be there. Be career oriented in second half of the 2020. Different options will emerge to push career matters ahead. It will be your time to explore new. If you have rising career , this will get amplified. If you have a dying career, it will also get modified. Critics and peers may create issues. Take care of them. Rest it is lovely support to career matters.
Key Dates are like
- Mar 24 - New moon Aries
- Apr 7 - Full moon Libra
- June 27 to December 31.. Mars in Aries
- Oct 1 - Full moon Aries
Friends , love, heart
It is unexpected zone now. Uranus is passing through your social life. A friend may need help. You may want to expand social arena. There is something unusal about your friendships. Having mad or crazy friends is good. You can learn a lot from them.
Cancer born between June 22 to July 3 would feel more volatility in this area. Check if you are not spending too much time with friends. Have good friends so that you can all grow together.
- Apr 22- New moon Taurus
- May 7 - Full moon Scorpio
- Oct 31- Full moon taurus
- Nov 15 - New moon Scorpio
Travel, spirituality and time management
Neptune is passing through it. PPL born within July 7 to July 13 would be most impacted. It is in a good mood throughout the year as Mars, Jupiter, Saturn will make good angel from it. Travel is healing. Spirituality is also a healing experience. Explore this world to know more. Read books or write books. Share ideas. It is needed more than anything. As people around us are suffering in pain. Care and compassion helps.
Spend more time with guru. Key dates are like,.
- Feb 23 - New moon Pisces
- Mar 9 - Full moon Virgo
- Sep 2- Full moon Pisces
- Sep 17 - New moon Virgo
- Money, Assets and liabilities..
Money matters come last in 2020. It is a big focus in 2021. But it will go slow in 2020. Let cosmic waves play their games. Don't try harder where there is no focus coming. Still some opportunities windows are there as below. Near these dates you can see chance to add money or money flow will increase. It is a resource for us.
Close these matters near these dates.
- Jan 24 - New moon Aquarius
- Feb 9 - Full Moon Leo
- Aug 3- Full moon Aquarius
- Aug 18 - New moon Leo
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