December 2023 Horoscope

Submitted by admin on Tue, 11/28/2023 - 10:32

We are in end of the year, 2023. Last month of the 2023 and we need to review this year on personal level. What we got in what we lost during 2023? Astrology helps us in focusing on right things and get maximum out of chart and time.

There are many things which are beyond our control. But we can see happiness in bright spots of charts and get maximum out of it.

October and November were high pace months. Many things may have moved around you.

Mercury retrogrades happening on December 13 (CAP 8) (till Jan 1).  Be careful about information flow. It may be false. Shadow period will start from Nov 25 and after that day, things will slow down.

Venus is on extreme end of chart , Uranus and Venus . It may trigger short term fun, food , rest issues. So take of excessive sweet, sugar, or lack of sleep. As Venus is mostly in Scorpio, take care of deep love, attached love, possessions, hate , or jealousy.  Unexpected love may emerge.

Mars is in Sagittarius whole month. It will keep mood of optimism, better than October and November.

Moon cycle is important to note. Continuous five new moons are coming at around 20 degree. So people born near 10-12 th of any month will see dramatic changes in life. New initiatives would come in your life. New path will emerge and old door may get closed. Be ready for it.

Meantime, Full moon will focus around 5-7 degrees. So, birthdays around 27 would focus on culmination in next 4-5 months. Observe events near these dates.

Neptune , planet of vision , would go direct on December 5 and Jupiter, planet of Luck, will go direct on December 30.

New moon this month on Dec 12 is in Jyestha Nakshatra, which is Mercury ruled. And Full moon is Arda nakshatra , which is Rahu ruled.

Most universe is empty so keep foot on ground, no extreme action. Lets discuss in detail sign wise.


Mars is in Sagittarius, It means you would want to fly across the  world to expand your horizon. Education of self or others would be at center.

New moon of December 12 is in Sagittarius. It is again sign of expansion. This new moon is in tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected twists) and Neptune (lack of clarity). It would be suggested to drive slowly. Listen carefully a lawyer, teacher, in -laws, or mentors.

If you were born near April 12, plus or minus 4 days, it is more so. Mars is near to it so may add to impulsive behavior.

Subsequently, Full moon is due on December 27 in Cancer sign. It is happening in domestic affair. It is very beautiful full moon, Saturn, long term future is supporting it from mental peace. And Jupiter, luck, gain in earning income is supporting it. This full moon will bring happiness at home. Near Christmas, it is best gift god could give.



Mars is in Sagittarius, It means expenses may be high in December. Venus is in Scorpio , which means relationship needs investment.

New moon of December 12 is in Sagittarius. It is again sign of expansion. This new moon is in tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected twists) and Neptune (lack of clarity). Expense may be unplanned and may sound illogical. Some new compulsion may come through others. Social interaction is possible, or you may invest in big parties.

If you were born near May 12, plus or minus 4 days, it is more so. Mars is near to it so may add to impulsive behavior.

Subsequently, Full moon is due on December 27 in Cancer sign. It is happening in sibling affair. It is very beautiful full moon, Saturn, long term future is supporting it from social peace. And Jupiter, luck, gain in own house is supporting it. This full moon will bring happiness at some travel plan. Near Christmas, it is best gift god could give. Meet sibling or go out on short holiday. Relatives may come to your home.

If you were born near April 27, it is more so.


New moon of December 12 is in Sagittarius. It is sign for partnership or marriage for you. This new moon is in tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected twists) and Neptune (lack of clarity). Partnership issues may be unplanned and may sound illogical. Mars is also moving in same house of partnership. It will go deep down on values of marriage and its partnership. If it is not concern, then partnership or division of boundaries may be key concern.

If you were born near June 12, plus or minus 4 days, it is more so. Mars is near to it so may add to impulsive behavior.

Subsequently, Full moon is due on December 27 in Cancer sign. It is happening in earning affair. It is very beautiful full moon, Saturn, long term future is supporting it from social status. And Jupiter, luck, gain in mental peace house is supporting it. This full moon will bring happiness at some earning  plan. Near Christmas, it is best gift god could give. Culmination in money aspect is possible. If you are looking for job, this is a great opportunity to see fruit of the efforts.

If you were born near May  27, it is more so.

Venus is moving on extreme end of zodiac line up. Expect work focus or health matters. Take proper rest , if over stretched in work life. Or if someone need care, go out and help him or her.

If you were born near March 27, it is more so.



New moon of December 12 is in Sagittarius. It is sign for job and health for you. This new moon is in tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected twists) and Neptune (lack of clarity). Work or health issue may come from other’s side.  It may be imposed on you. Mars is also moving in same house of work and health. Health is wealth. Take care of it. Check energy levels near new moon. Manage physical and emotional energy well.

If you were born near July 12, plus or minus 4 days, it is more so. Mars is near to it so may add to impulsive behavior.

Subsequently, Full moon is due on December 27 in Cancer sign. It is happening in self-outlook affair. Change your outlook or perception about others. It is very beautiful full moon, Saturn, long term future is supporting it from long distance travel or education. And Jupiter, luck, gain in social peace house is supporting it. This full moon will bring happiness at social event. Near Christmas, it is best gift god could give. Culmination in personal desires. Connect with more people. Expand social impact.  

If you were born near June 27, it is more so.

Venus is moving on extreme end of zodiac line up. Expect love focus or creative matters. Love may be at its best. Heart matters may come to discussion whole month. Listen your heart.


Venus is moving on extreme end of zodiac line up. Expect domestic matters to be at comfort. You may focus to increase comfort at home.   

New moon of December 12 is in Sagittarius. It is sign for love and child for you. This new moon is in tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected twists) and Neptune (lack of clarity. Love or child issue may come.  It may be imposed on you. Mars is also moving in same house of romantic matters or child. Unexpected pregnancy is possible. Unexpected love is possible or a turn in existing love.

If you were born near August 12, plus or minus 4 days, it is more so. Mars is near to it so may add to impulsive behavior.

Subsequently, Full moon is due on December 27 in Cancer sign. It is happening in mental peace affair. Check your energy level or spiritual state. It is very beautiful full moon, Saturn, long term future is supporting it from partner’s income. And Jupiter, luck, gain in social status house is supporting it. This full moon will bring happiness at social status. Near Christmas, it is best gift god could give. Culmination in personal desires. Expand social impact.  

If you were born near July 27, it is more so.



Mars is in Sagittarius now. Home is active position so the mother. In another big movement, Venus is  in sibling issue, so it may be time for short holiday for you. Time to study and enhance social and mental skills.

New moon of December 12 is in Sagittarius. It is sign for domestic affair for you. This new moon is in tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected twists) and Neptune (lack of clarity. Domestic issue may come in shifting and changes.  It may be imposed on you. Mars is also moving in same house. Unexpected domestic turns will come.  

If you were born near September 12, plus or minus 4 days, it is more so. Mars is near to it so may add to impulsive behavior.

Subsequently, Full moon is due on December 27 in Cancer sign. It is happening in social affair. Check your friends and connections. It is very beautiful full moon, Saturn, long term future is supporting it from marriage. And Jupiter, luck, gain in long distance travel house is supporting it. This full moon will bring happiness in relatives. Near Christmas, it is best gift god could give. Culmination in personal desires. Expand social impact.  

If you were born near August 27, plus or minus 4 days,  it is more so.


New moon of December 12 is in Sagittarius. It is sign for sibling , travel, retrieves, or exam affair for you. This new moon is in tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected twists) and Neptune (lack of clarity. Exam issue may come on head or relative need help.  It may be imposed on you. Mars is also moving in same house. Drive carefully or buy anything by patience. It may create urgency to buy.

If you were born near October 12, plus or minus 4 days, it is more so. Mars is near to it so may add to impulsive behavior.

Subsequently, Full moon is due on December 27 in Cancer sign. It is happening in social status. Check your social influence or impact. It is very beautiful full moon, Saturn, long term future is supporting it from job and health. And Jupiter, luck, gain in partner’s income is supporting it. This full moon will bring happiness in partner’s income. Near Christmas, it is best gift god could give. Culmination in personal desires. Expand social impact.  

If you were born near September 27, plus or minus 4 days,  it is more so.


New moon of December 12 is in Sagittarius. It is sign for earning for you. This new moon is in tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected twists) and Neptune (lack of clarity. Expenses or employer ‘s expectation may rise now.  It may be imposed on you. Mars is also moving in same house. Financial planning is important and may need attention.

If you were born near November 12, plus or minus 4 days, it is more so. Mars is near to it so may add to impulsive behavior.

Subsequently, Full moon is due on December 27 in Cancer sign. It is happening in legal, travel, exam, or relatives. You will gain well in these . It is very beautiful full moon, Saturn, long term future is supporting it from love or child. And Jupiter, luck, gain in marriage house is supporting it. This full moon will bring happiness in travel, legal and relatives. Near Christmas, it is best gift god could give. Culmination in legal and relations.   Travel far away.

If you were born near October 27, plus or minus 4 days,  it is more so.



Planets are coming to your house. Mars is coming after two years. It will trigger work, leadership and actions. It is additional advantage on your birthday.

New moon of December 12 is in Sagittarius. It is your own sign of energy and perception. This new moon is in tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected twists) and Neptune (lack of clarity. Check your energy level.  Something may twist which is very close to your identity. Mars is also moving in same house. It will bring additional energy and support. Do look self in mirror. If you need additional touch, do so. Check your smile.  

If you were born near December 12, plus or minus 4 days, it is more so. Mars is near to it so may add to impulsive behavior.

Subsequently, Full moon is due on December 27 in Cancer sign. It is happening in partner’s income or gain. You will gain well through others. It is very beautiful full moon, Saturn, long term future is supporting it from domestic affair or property matters.  And Jupiter, luck, gain in work and health house is supporting it. This full moon will bring happiness through partner income, big money inflow, or big emotional breakthrough. Near Christmas, it is best gift god could give.

If you were born near November 27, plus or minus 4 days,  it is more so.


Pluto is moving ahead now. It will keep you passionate in your dreams.

Mars is in twelfth house, so time to hide from public.

New moon of December 12 is in Sagittarius. It is your sign of mental thoughts and clarity. This new moon is in tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected twists) and Neptune (lack of clarity. Check your mental peace.  Something may twist which may trigger your thoughts. Mars is also moving in same house. It will bring additional energy and support. Meditate or move away from things which distract you.

If you were born near January 12, plus or minus 4 days, it is more so. Mars is near to it so may add to impulsive behavior.

Subsequently, Full moon is due on December 27 in Cancer sign. It is happening in marriage and partnership  or gain. You will gain well through others. It is very beautiful full moon, Saturn, long term future is supporting it from sibling affair.  And Jupiter, luck, gain in love and child house is supporting it. This full moon will bring happiness through partnership. Near Christmas, it is best gift god could give.

If you were born near December 27, plus or minus 4 days,  it is more so.


Mars is in eleventh house, so time to meet friends and social links.  

New moon of December 12 is in Sagittarius. It is your sign of social links and friends. This new moon is in tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected twists) and Neptune (lack of clarity. Check your social peace.  Something may twist which may trigger your friends and their commitment for you. Mars is also moving in same house. It will bring additional energy and support. It is time to expand social connects.  

If you were born near February 12, plus or minus 4 days, it is more so. Mars is near to it so may add to impulsive behavior.

Subsequently, Full moon is due on December 27 in Cancer sign. It is happening in job and health. You will gain well through others. It is very beautiful full moon, Saturn, long term future is supporting it from earning stability.  And Jupiter, luck, gain in domestic  house is supporting it. This full moon will bring happiness through co-workers, gym friends, yoga friends or health workers. Near Christmas, it is best gift god could give.

If you were born near January 27, plus or minus 4 days,  it is more so.


Mars is in tenth house, so time to know more about career stability. .  

New moon of December 12 is in Sagittarius. It is your sign of social status and influential people.. This new moon is in tough aspects from Uranus (unexpected twists) and Neptune (lack of clarity. Check your social status.  Something may twist which may trigger your standing, it may shake. Mars is also moving in same house. It will bring additional energy and support.

If you were born near March 12, plus or minus 4 days, it is more so. Mars is near to it so may add to impulsive behavior.

Subsequently, Full moon is due on December 27 in Cancer sign. It is happening in love and creativity. You will gain well through heart. It is very beautiful full moon, Saturn, long term future is supporting it from perceptional stability.  And Jupiter, luck, gain in sibling house is supporting it. This full moon will bring happiness through child. Creative thinking, or lover. Near Christmas, it is best gift god could give.

If you were born near February 27, plus or minus 4 days,  it is more so.