Gemini 2023 Horoscope

Submitted by admin on Sun, 10/16/2022 - 13:06

2022 Review

Let’s discuss major signature which were in game in 2022.

  1. Uranus and North nodes both have been driving changes health and wellness. A war of freedom is going on. North node comes to one sign in 18.6 years. It drives changes in big way. At present it is halfway through its journey of about 18 months. It is pressure to change your way of thinking and approach towards life. You want freedom from mental barriers, legal matters, in-laws or higher education.
  2. Two major square are intense at this point in 2022. They will slowly move away in 2023. Pluto - Eris were in one square. High expenses may have been keeping you busy in social life. Regular flow of money may be key to Gemini born near June 19, it might be creating a social agony. Pluto drive passion and transformation. You may be trying hard to sustain this public support or friends.
  3. Meantime, Saturn and Uranus are in close square since 2020. It was intense battle for freedom in long distance travel or mental peace. In -laws may need help. Legal matters demand attention. Or, you know
  4. Mars is in Gemini for long term till March 25. 2023. It is keeping pressure on your actions and anger. Mars increases drive to change. Use your words sensibly as they may become big in such aspect. They may hurt deep.  
  5. Eclipse has been happening in health and wellness houses. Changes are happening around work life and wellness.  A detatchment is happening from a work life, some Gemini may leave their job in between. Focus is very high on mental wellbeing. We have four eclipses in 2023 on April 20 (Aries), May 5 (Scorpio), October 14(Libra) and October 28 (Taurus). All eclipses are in different signs.   

2023 Preview:

Few major signatures, we have to go through in 2023.

  1. Jupiter will cover Aries in 2023 till May 16. It is very quick transit to heal and blessings from social links and friends. You can use this transit by giving time to friends and links.  Some way may come out of your problems. And After May 16, 2023 , it will help in boosting your mental health and wellness. Plan your time accordingly to get maximum help from universe.
  2. Saturn will re-enter in Pisces on Mar 7. It will be here till 2026. So long time for it to scan your career and social status. Your visibility will come under scanner. Be realistic in your social wealth. Neptune here may have created some illusion here.
  3. North node of moon will move to Aries for July 17. It will be time to take charge of social life and friends. South node in love life will take you away from child or love. A sense of detachment may come.  North nodes want more focus on friends and social links.  


Venus (Love, Fun, rest)

Mars (action)

Jupiter (Luck)

True Node (Attachement)

South Node


Legal, Travel, In laws, career

Outlook, Perception

Social Life, Friends

Planning , Peace

Job , Physical health



Outlook, Perception

Social Life, Friends

Planning , Peace

Job , Physical health


Career- Social life

Outlook, Perception

Social Life, Friends

Planning , Peace

Job , Physical health


Social, Planning

Earned Income

Social Life, Friends

Planning , Peace

Job , Physical health


Self – Earning

Earned Income

Social Life, Friends

Planning , Peace

Job , Physical health


Sibling, Transactions

Sibling, Transaction

Peace, thoughts, Planning

Planning , Peace

Job , Physical health


Sibling, Transactions

Home -Mother

Peace, thoughts, Planning

Planning , Peace

Job , Physical health


Sibling, Transactions

Home -Mother

Peace, thoughts, Planning

Social Life, Friends

Love, Child


Sibling, Transactions

Love, Child

Peace, thoughts, Planning

Social Life, Friends

Love, Child



Love, Child

Peace, thoughts, Planning

Social Life, Friends

Love, Child



Health Wellness

Peace, thoughts, Planning

Social Life, Friends

Love, Child




Peace, thoughts, Planning

Social Life, Friends

Love, Child


Repeat of Cycles

Some themes come back to us. 2023 will bring


Last transit


North Node


Significant Changes  in Planning, social life






Boost of Luck in social life, friends, Planning












Restraint, Discipline in Social status

2023 for Gemini

Gemini has huge gathering in top of chart. It means it is time to shine. Only Mars is a big planet which is moving in lower half. Values , home , sibling or building the base may take a back seat. You need to shine will be important.

2023 could be year to build social base. You may travel long distances. Connecting with people and detaching from them is theme of 2023. It is great for spiritual journey or Journey inward from big social peak. Recollect your inner power or peace and planning. Hidden friends will equally supportive as open friendship.

Gemini may see a special mind war of freedom. With Jupiter and North node in peace and mind. Saturn is out of travel and legal matter after March, it will help to heal this legal part.

Mars is in first house of own prospective till March 25. Energy flow will be very high till March 25. Use this in right actions. Don’t go in verbal war.   

Let’s discuss houses and areas based on their priorities.

Social links, Friends, and Love

Jupiter is here to reward you for hard work of 12 years. Till May 16, grab all benefits in social arena. You will get extra shine and confidence. Friends will help you in big way.

Two eclipses of April 20 (Aries) and October 14 (Libra) are big milestone dates. 2023 will force you to take big step in social life and matter of hearts. It will be new beginning. A new low expectation social link will emerge. Love matter will blossom near October 14. Married couples may plan child near it.

Jupiter will keep this house warm till May 16.  

Mars will enter in love and child house on August 27 to October 12. Other important dates are March 21, April 6, and September 29. Venus will help social peace from Feb 20 to March 16 and in love house from Nov 8 to Dec 4.

Health and wellness

Two eclipses are here too in 2023. May 5 (Scorpio) and October 28 (Taurus) are key milestone dates. These eclipses will help you to balance physical and mental health. Both parts are lunar eclipses. It means culmination of long term efforts. It is result time so listen the universe with positive mind set. You may get extra responsibility or health may come out as concern. It may be health of someone close.  

Uranus is driving you to detatch from in-laws matters or education demand more efforts from mind and focus.

Jupiter will join Uranus here in your mental alignment on May 16. Gemini are quick to identify mental barriers. Clean it to gain from abundance this universe is giving you. Jupiter comes once in 12 years and it will be blessing to have all three North node, Uranus, and Jupiter in this house. Use this confidential house support to build big behind the scene. A hidden friend may help you in big way. It is great time to do education away from normal social circle. Or build spiritual strength with like minded people.

Mars will enter in health house from October 12 to November 24. Other important moon phases are May 19 and November 13. Venus will enter in mental peace house on March 16 to April 11 and in work from Dec 4 to Dec 29.

Career , Parents , Social visibility, Home

Social status is more focus here in 2023 than love life. With Saturn and Neptune in tenth house, career and peak of social visibility will keep you flip flop. Saturn will enter in this house on March 7.  With Saturn and Neptune , career may be fluctuate between illusion or reality. Be aware of fake career dreams. Some Gemini will shine in 2023 who has realty and vision together.

Important moon dates are Feb 20, Aug 31, and Sep 15. Mars will enter in domestic base from July 12 to August 27. It will push career downward to have more strong foundation.  

Education, Sibling, relatives, travel or gadgets

Saturn has almost completed its stay in educational foundation. Since 2020, it was mostly in conflict with Uranus. 2023 bring this square to end. It is nig relief and chance to go free. Saturn leave long trail of lessons and repair work. 2023 will be time to rebuild education with these lessons in steps. No need to hurry. It takes time to notice changes.

Pluto will enter in this house on March 23 to June 11. Meantime, Saturn will leave it on March 7. So educationall platform will change in big way. Pluto rules transformation, but one few Gemini who borned near May 22 will feel its impact.  

Now let’s discuss our short distance travel and education . Venus will go retrograde in Leo. So it will be long time to review room mates or neighbours life from June 5 to October 8 in Leo. Mars will be there from May 20 to July 10. So June- July will be crucial to review how you can improve your productivity by better time utilization .

Self Vs relations (Marriage or other partners )

Mars will be in Gemini for long time. In 2023 , only after March 25, it will go to next house. Verbal and mental energy would be spiked. Take care of your words. Don’t misuse them. Its very productive time for idea generation.  

Mars will again enter in seventh house of marriage on November 24 to year end. That time, marriage and commitment would be your priority.  

Money – Self vs Others

Partner’s income has Pluto for long time. It is grinding in last degree. Additionally, it is in square with Eris. Some of you may be feeling exhausted in partner; s income or expenses . This square will loosen up in 2023. Yet Pluto will keep roaming in late degree of high unexpected expenses or issues with big money like tax, insurance, demand from others.   

Mars will enter in earned income house in March 25 to May 20. This will activate money generation for you.