January 2024 Horoscope

Submitted by admin on Thu, 12/21/2023 - 09:18

Happy new year to all of you . Lets make 2024 productive, fulfilling and happy year with help of Astrology.

Most of the planets are direct in 2024 January month. Uranus will go direct on January 27. That will make January as fast and eventful month.

Mars , ruler of action, is in Capricorn in most part of the month (After Jan 4). This will make power focus extreme.

Another big moment is Pluto moving to Aquarius for first 9 months in Aquarius. It will transform technology and grip. Social media or social groups will get dimension.

Geo-cosmic energy is uneven in distribution. Uranus in Taurus and Venus in Sagittarius (till Jan 24) are sandwiching the planets in narrow space. So focus on freedom, quick sex, long sleep, cheap fun, or enjoyment would be at peak.

New moon of Jan 11 is in Capricorn and full moon of Jan 27 will amplify which is 5-6 chain of the new beginning and culminations near birthdays like 11 or 27 of any month.

Let’s discuss sign wise effects.


Mars is moving in career house. Many things may be happening now. Observe date around Jan 11, it is so beautiful new moon. This new moon has support of Uranus. A freedom is on card. It may be freedom from influential erratic boss or role which you don’t want to perform.

If you were born near April 15, it is more so.  Venus will be in Sagittarius at that time. It will help in healing in mental peace. Plan a travel or holiday with relatives.

Leo full moon of January 26 is erratic. It is in Leo and have some tough aspects. Saturn is in tough aspect from mental peace and Jupiter is tough from earned income. Expenses may come out from blue. Love or child may trigger something new.

It is more so , if you were born near March 26.


January has legal focus. Travel and education would be key. Rebuild this area to new level. New moon of January 11 will push things ahead. Mars is also in this supportive earth sign. This new moon has support of Uranus. Exam result may be beyond expectation. A new path will emerge.

If you were born near May 11, this is more so. This new inning or recreation would help. Pack your beg and move to foreign place. Higher education would be easy.

Leo full moon of January 26 is erratic. It has some tough aspects. This is home or mother. Saturn is in tough aspect from social peace and Jupiter is tough from own energy. Home safety or mother health may need attention.

It is more so , if you were born near April 26.


January is a month of big breakthroughs.  You may have been waiting for this for quite long. Partner may come up with some big news. New moon of January 11 is so good and electric. Unexpected breakthrough is possible. Mars is also moving in same house. Plan a big investment. Some bog money may come back to you like insurance or investment.

If you were born near June 11, this is more so. Others will build a emotional or financial hub for you.

Leo full moon of January 26 is erratic. It has some tough aspects. This is in sibling , movement, skill or education. Saturn is in tough aspect from social status and Jupiter is tough from mental peace. Negative news may trigger from some direction and you may look lost. Let this full moon pass.

It is more so , if you were born near May 26.


Sun is moving opposite your sign. It is time to actively see close relations and their connection with you. Both Full moon of December 27 in Cancer and New moon in Capricorn on January 11 are easy and positive. They are so supportive to your emotional sign. Changes may be on card that too in positive sense.

Mars is moving in relationship chart. Marriage partner or business partner may be demanding a bit. New moon of January 11 will highlight new journey together. Any diminishing light will go away. New light and hope of partnership will emerge.

If you were born near July 11, this is more so. Wind of change will emerge.  

Leo full moon of January 26 is erratic. It has some tough aspects. This is earned income or self worth. Saturn is in tough aspect from travel or education and Jupiter is tough from social links. Emotional news may trigger from earned income and employer may demand your additional time.  

It is more so , if you were born near June 26.


Sun and Pluto will move to opposite sign of Aquarius soon on same day Jan 22. Check your partners and commitments.

Mars is moving in Job and health part. Health of someone near you or your own may demand full attention. Health is key in life. New moon of Jan 11 will trigger a good health blessing for you.

If you were born near August 11, this is more so. Review health and work load on you. Balance it. You can’t over run or less run. We all need a balance life.

Leo full moon of January 26 is erratic. It has some tough aspects. This is self exposure. Saturn is in tough aspect from partner’s income and Jupiter is tough from career. Emotional news may trigger from social status link to partner. Partner may come up with new big demand.  

It is more so , if you were born near July 26.


Saturn and Neptune are in marriage and relationship part. One partnership is under intense pressure. You must feel the pressure of people to get clarity on it.

Mars is moving in love and child part. A romantic or creative matter may need attention. New moon of Jan 11 will trigger a new insight in love you were living or child you need. If you have clarity on both, child may need attention and focus.

If you were born near September 11, this is more so. Review your creative dimension and outlet.  

Leo full moon of January 26 is erratic. It has some tough aspects. This is mental peace. Saturn is in tough aspect from marriage and Jupiter is tough from travel and legal. Emotional news may trigger from travel link to partner. Partner may have to move away for time being. A travel may go haywire. Education may seems so costly.

It is more so , if you were born near August 26.


North node is opposite your sign. Marriage in under transformation. You may need new observation, eye, or perception to see relationship. Someone may demand his share of time or property.

Saturn and Neptune are in job and health part. Job or health may be dicey or susceptible to infection.

Mars is moving in domestic part. You will see a peak at home matters. New moon on Jan 11 is crucial and may start a new journey towards home safety. Mother may need help. You must work for new home safety or home renovation.

If you were born near October 11, this is more so. Review your domestic efforts..  

Leo full moon of January 26 is erratic. It has some tough aspects. This is social strength. Saturn is in tough aspect from job  and Jupiter is tough from partner’s income. Emotional news may trigger from social link to partner. Partner’s health may need huge investment.  Social link may create huge expenses. These are few possibilities.

It is more so , if you were born near September  26.


Venus is moving in Sagittarius. It may be time to feel pleasure and invest in it.

Mars is in Capricorn and has huge focus on sibling, travel, productivity, blogs, reading, writing, or car, New moon of January 11 is pushing it to new level. It will surprise you in positive sense. Plan a holiday near this date. New beginning will come. Start writing new book.

If you were born near November 11, this is more so. Review your domestic efforts..  

Leo full moon of January 26 is erratic. It has some tough aspects. This is in career matters. Saturn is in tough aspect from love/child/creativity  and Jupiter is tough from marriage. Emotional news may trigger from social status and career decisions. Career would get a full blown disclosure.  If you are on rising career path, this may give boost to career but with conditions. If you are on disseminating path , it will send you signals that road has blockages.

It is more so , if you were born near October  26.


Venus is moving in Sagittarius. Pleasure focus may be high now.

Mars is in Capricorn and has huge focus on earned income or self worth. New moon of January 11 is pushing it to new level. It will surprise you in positive sense. Money flow is great now. Employer may give you additional support. Ask for rise from employer near this date.

If you were born near December 11, this is more so. Review your domestic efforts..  

Leo full moon of January 26 is erratic. It has some tough aspects. This is in legal matters, in laws, or education. Saturn is in tough aspect from domestic affair and Jupiter is tough from job and health. Emotional news may trigger from legal , law, and health decisions. Legal issues may come out in open. In laws may be tough, Education may be centre of attention. Teacher would be tough now. It may be your own education or child’s education.

It is more so , if you were born near November  26.


Mars is in Capricorn and has huge focus on self worth. New moon of January 11 is pushing it to new level. It will surprise you in positive sense. New level of  confidence. Energy level would be great. Try new things to push your case, candidature to shine. Go for your goals. Put your name foreward.

If you were born near January 11, this is more so. Review your domestic efforts..  

Leo full moon of January 26 is erratic. It has some tough aspects. This is in partner’s income matters. Saturn is in tough aspect from sibling matters and Jupiter is tough from love and child. Emotional news may trigger from child or education decisions. Unexpected event may come from child or sibling side. Movement may be a concern. It may be relative news.  

It is more so , if you were born near December 26.



Pluto is coming to your house for long stay. It will may world more friendly, open, and technology driven. Uranus, your leader will start moving ahead this month. That may push domestic matters to new level.

Mars is in Capricorn and has huge focus on peace and internal conflicts. New moon of January 11 is pushing it to new level. It will surprise you in positive sense. New way of peace will emerge. Solitude, meditation or sleep , you have to choose. Your goals may need away from normal social links.  

If you were born near February 11, this is more so. Review your domestic efforts..  

Leo full moon of January 26 is erratic. It has some tough aspects. This is in marriage matters. Saturn is in tough aspect from earned income and Jupiter is tough from domestic matters. Emotional news may trigger from marriage decisions. Partnership may demand new focus and attention. Partner may need his share /her share of time or money.

It is more so , if you were born near January 26.


Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces. You may need to clear the mess , it may be self created or other’s have created.

Mars is in Capricorn and has huge focus on social relations. New moon of January 11 is pushing it to new level. It will surprise you in positive sense. New way of social links will emerge. Attend parties, meet people, connect to social groups or may new human links. Friends help in long way.

If you were born near March 11, this is more so. Review your domestic efforts..  

Leo full moon of January 26 is erratic. It has some tough aspects. This is in job and health matters. Saturn is in tough aspect from own energy and Jupiter is tough from sibling or relatives matters. Emotional news may trigger from too much work or health decisions. Health is wealth nowadays. Take care of it. You may be too busy now and may have job concerns. Strech self as much body allow.  

It is more so , if you were born near February 26.
