Pluto is on extreme end again. Death, transformation, debt issues, or power struggle will be new points of talk. It is fast month, beware of communication issues in last 10 days of March.
People born near 24 are seeing culmination and born near 9 are seeing new beginnings.
Pisces is key sign now along with Gemini , Sagittarius and Virgo.
Mars will be in Aquarius till March 22. Venus is already there till April 5. Consequently, Pisces is key here as many planets are coming in it. Additionally on March 10, we have new moon in same house. See where Pisces lies in your chart, and try more and more to execute till then.
This is in Poorva Bhadrapada (Jupiter ruled Nakshatra.
On March 18, Mercury will be in shadow period. On April 1, Mercury will go in retrograde till April 25. So last 12 days of March will be dull as Saturn (23 Mar), Pluto (09 Jan), and Neptune (11 Mar) will be in sleepy mode.
March 25 is lunar eclipse in Libra. It will end one phase in life. It is in end of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra (sun Ruled) and start of Hasta (Moon ruled).
Mars is in Aquarius till March 22 and Venus is there till April 5. It is house of social life and engagement. Keep meeting friends , they are the help.
March 10 will bring a new moon in Pisces. It is mental peace house. It has great support from Uranus (financial stability). New moon is sandwiched between Eris and Mars. Action will trigger now. Jupiter and Saturn are in great vives at this new moon. Start writing a book, have peaceful isolation, or Study hard alone are few possibilities.
If you were born near April 10, it is more so.
Lunar eclipse of March 25 is big moment. This is final moments of emotionality in Marriage and commitment. It is time to check ego and emotions for welfare of justice.
If you were born near March 25, it is more so. You would achieve a big goal. That was part of dream. Partner , peer or someone equal may bring a great news.
Mars is in Aquarius till March 22 and Venus is there till April 5. It is house of social status and improvement. Keep track of influential people. Be in their eyes.
March 10 will bring a new moon in Pisces. It is social house. It has great support from Uranus (emotional stability). Though both Mars and Uranus are in square to each other. It may trigger some lust for independence. New moon is sandwiched between Eris and Mars. Action will trigger now , get things done. Jupiter and Saturn are in great vives at this new moon. Long term sustenance of tasks important.
If you were born near May 10, it is more so.
Lunar eclipse of March 25 is big moment. This is final moments of emotionality in work and health. It is time to check ego and emotions for welfare of justice. Many planets are in supportive Pisces now, so social events may be crucial. So work and social commitment may cross now. Work life may reach at culmination. New insight may come in work environment.
If you were born near April 25, it is more so. You would achieve a big goal.
Most planets are in career house. Keeping you focused on career matters. Travel for work, commitments for education, social connects, and career matters may keep you occupied. Career is inflation point to raise or fall , based on career position.
March 10 will bring a new moon in Pisces. It is social status. It has great support from Uranus (mental stability). Though both Mars and Uranus are in square to each other. It may trigger some lust for independence. New moon is sandwiched between Eris and Mars. Action will trigger now , get things done. Jupiter and Saturn are in great vives at this point. Long term sustenance of tasks is important.
If you were born near June 10, it is more so. Overall a productive new moon.
Lunar eclipse of March 25 is big moment. This is final moments of emotionality in love and child. It is time to check ego and emotions for welfare of justice. Many planets are in career Pisces now, so social status may be cross with love. Long pending issue may close up. Child may bring some news which may fulfill career needs.
If you were born near May 25, it is more so. You would achieve a big goal.
Half of the circle is empty. Focus in on rise. Improve visibility.
March 10 will bring a new moon in Pisces. It is travel, in laws, or education. It has great support from Uranus (friends). Though both Mars and Uranus are in square to each other. It may trigger some lust for independence. New moon is sandwiched between Eris and Mars. Action will trigger now , get things done. Jupiter and Saturn are in great vibes at this point. Long term sustenance of tasks is important.
If you were born near July 10, it is more so. Overall a productive new moon.
Lunar eclipse of March 25 is big moment. This is final moments of emotionality in domestic matters or mother. It is time to check ego and emotions for welfare of justice. Many planets are in education. Home attention and education may come to cross. Long pending issue may close up. You may feel safe or secure now.
If you were born near June 25, it is more so. You would achieve a big goal.
Focus is on marriage now. Mars and Venus are there along with Pluto. New intensity is there. One close relation may be in focus. He or she may need your time or assets.
Meanwhile, March 10 will bring a new moon in Pisces. It is in partner’s income , loan, or insurence. It has great support from Uranus (career matters). Though both Mars and Uranus are in square to each other. It may trigger some lust for independence. New moon is sandwiched between Eris and Mars. Action will trigger now , get things done. Jupiter and Saturn are in great vibes at this point. Long term sustenance of tasks is important.
If you were born near August 10, it is more so. Overall a productive new moon.
Subsequently, lunar eclipse of March 25 is big moment. This is final moments of emotionality in sibling , neighbor, or skills. It is time to check ego and emotions for welfare of justice. Many planets are in mobility. Partner’s income or sibling or travel needs may come to cross. Long pending issue may close up. You may plan a trip or may buy new car or mobile.
If you were born near July 25, it is more so. You would achieve a big goal.
Focus now is on health and wellness. You are passionate about wellbeing. Some relations may be distracting or demanding your share. Best part now is travel and legal matters. Relatives may be expanding along with education.
Meanwhile, March 10 will bring a new moon in Pisces. It is in marriage and commitment. It has great support from Uranus (relative matters). Though both Mars and Uranus are in square to each other. It may trigger some lust for independence. New moon is sandwiched between Eris and Mars. Action will trigger, get things done. Jupiter and Saturn are in great vibes at this point. Long term sustenance of tasks is important. Deal with marriage and partnership matters with peace. No need to push things hard.
If you were born near September 10, it is more so. Overall a productive new moon.
Subsequently, lunar eclipse of March 25 is big moment. This is final moments of emotionality in earned income. It is time to check ego and emotions for welfare of justice. Money is key. You may feel it enough or just lack of it. Marriage or earning may come to cross. Long pending issue may close up. You may spend on marriage now.
If you were born near August 25, it is more so. You would achieve a big goal.
Moon node is in key house of marriage and commitment. It may be navigating your desire to commitment. Lunar eclipse of March 25 will say many things.
Focus is now on love or child. Work life may be little dicey. Best support is coming from partner’s income. Other’s may be taking your decisions. Take control of it.
Meanwhile, March 10 will bring a new moon in Pisces. It is in job and health. It has great support from Uranus (partner’s income, assets matters). Though both Mars and Uranus are in square to each other. It may trigger some lust for independence. New moon is sandwiched between Eris and Mars. Action will trigger, get things done. Jupiter and Saturn are in great vibes at this point. Long term sustenance of tasks is important. It is in health matter. Know your work commitment well.
If you were born near October 10, it is more so. Overall a productive new moon.
Subsequently, lunar eclipse of March 25 is big moment. This is final moments of emotionality in outlook. It is time to check ego and emotions for welfare of justice. Overall energy and outlook matters. You may feel it enough or just lack of it. Job, health or outlook may come to cross. Long pending issue may close up. Your energy may go in job search or project completion. Health of someone close or self may be on priority.
If you were born near September 25, it is more so. You would achieve a big goal.
Home and property matters are in energy. Three planets are in Aquarius. Another area is love which is little dicey. Saturn and Neptune are in it. Job life and health are in deep changes. Marriage and partnership needs new level of freedom.
Meanwhile, March 10 will bring a new moon in Pisces. It is in love and child area. It has great support from Uranus (marriage matters). Though both Mars and Uranus are in square to each other. It may trigger some lust for independence. New moon is sandwiched between Eris and Mars. Action will trigger, get things done. Jupiter and Saturn are in great vibes at this point. Long term sustenance of tasks is important. It is in love matter. Child may need help.
If you were born near November 10, it is more so. Overall a productive new moon. Temptation of quick fun will be there.
Subsequently, lunar eclipse of March 25 is big moment. This is final moments of emotionality in outlook. It is time to check ego and emotions for welfare of justice. Overall energy and mental peace matters. You may feel it enough or just lack of it. Love , child or peace may come to cross. Long pending issue may close up. Your energy may go in love or heart matters. Seems love is in other’s hand now. Saturn is tight now.
If you were born near October 25, it is more so. You would achieve a big goal.
Sibling is key now along with neighbors. Three planets are driving things. You may be moving fact on transactions. Home may be dicey area. Take care of mother. Ensure property is yours not others. Drastic changes are happening in Love and child life now. Another action is in Health and work life.
Overall focus is in foundation. Live on high values for long term survival.
Meanwhile, March 10 will bring a new moon in Pisces. It is in domestic matters and mother area. It has great support from Uranus (job matters). Though both Mars and Uranus are in square to each other. It may trigger some lust for independence. New moon is sandwiched between Eris and Mars. Action will trigger, get things done. Jupiter and Saturn are in great vibes at this point. Long term sustenance of tasks is important. It is in love matter. Mother may need help. Work on home safety.
If you were born near December 10, it is more so. Overall a productive new moon.
Subsequently, lunar eclipse of March 25 is big moment. This is final moments of emotionality in outlook. It is time to check ego and emotions for welfare of justice. Social peace matters. Friends may come to help you. You may feel it enough or just lack of it. Home needs and social needs may come to cross. Long pending issue may close up.
If you were born near November 25, it is more so. You would achieve a big goal.
Earning and self worth are in center of life. Feel confident about recent successes. Focus is on building strong foundation. Land or property may bring success to you. Sibling matter may be dicey. Changes are happening in property matters. Love and child may be eccentric now.
Meanwhile, March 10 will bring a new moon in Pisces. It is in sibling and transaction area. It has great support from Uranus (love matters). Though both Mars and Uranus are in square to each other. It may trigger some lust for independence. New moon is sandwiched between Eris and Mars. Action will trigger, get things done. Jupiter and Saturn are in great vibes at this point. Long term sustenance of tasks is important. Transactions may be more now. Care about it.
If you were born near January 10, it is more so. Overall a productive new moon.
Subsequently, lunar eclipse of March 25 is big moment. This is final moments of emotionality in outlook. It is time to check ego and emotions for welfare of justice. Social status matters. Boss or others similar people may come to help you. You may feel it enough or just lack of it. Father may need help. Embrace new social identity for you.
If you were born near December 25, it is more so. You would achieve a big goal.
March 10 will bring a new moon in Pisces. It is in earned income area. It has great support from Uranus (home matters). Though both Mars and Uranus are in square to each other. It may trigger some lust for independence. New moon is sandwiched between Eris and Mars. Action will trigger, get things done. Jupiter and Saturn are in great vibes at this point. Long term sustenance of tasks is important. Job change may bring rise in income. Negotiate your identity or income here.
If you were born near February 10, it is more so. Overall a productive new moon.
Subsequently, lunar eclipse of March 25 is big moment. This is final moments of emotionality in outlook. It is time to check ego and emotions for welfare of justice. Travel and relatives matters. Education may come to help you. You may feel it enough or just lack of it. Expand your educational wings.
If you were born near January 25, it is more so. You would achieve a big goal.
March 10 will bring a new moon in Pisces. It is in outlook and energy area. It has great support from Uranus (sibling matters). Though both Mars and Uranus are in square to each other. It may trigger some lust for independence. New moon is sandwiched between Eris and Mars. Action will trigger, get things done. Jupiter and Saturn are in great vibes at this point. Long term sustenance of tasks is important. Know your emotional triggers, outlooks, dresses, and looks.
If you were born near February 10, it is more so. Overall a productive new moon.
Subsequently, lunar eclipse of March 25 is big moment. This is final moments of emotionality in partner’s income. It is time to check ego and emotions for welfare of justice. Partner income, assets, or money matters. Know how to grab emotional and financial freedom.
If you were born near February 25, it is more so. You would achieve a big goal.
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