May 2020 is better month

Submitted by admin on Sun, 05/03/2020 - 06:58

It seems to have better month. Full moon of May 7 is so beautiful. It is well placed in Taurus. 

Middle of the month have 3 retrograde one fater another. Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. Love may not be easy to go till June 25. Take care of food, love and sleep.  disillusionment in love, confusion, and deception is possible. Venus just remain in rx for 7% of time and it is strongest,, in Lockdown time, It will be interesting how love will become rare.  

Jupiter is planet of luck and so close to Pluto.  Saturn will go retrograde and it will be review time to hospital and health. 

Full moon of May 22 is also beautoful. Try your best to use it for your benefit..