November is crucial month for Thinkastro. We completed 17 years of service in astrology. It started in 2006 and by god grace going on world of mouth.
After eclipse season is always full of emotional volatility. October had two eclipses in Libra (oct 14) and Taurus (Oct 29).
November is to broaden your view. Sagittarius will get Mercury (Nov 10), Sun (Nov 22) and Mars (Nov 24)
Any war is bad. No one wins in it. Israel and HAMAS are killing each other. North node, Mars, Sun, ERIS, PLUTO has been in square, With Pluto in direct motion in end of Capricorn, we saw deaths in Corona and now in war. Pluto has to move out from Capricorn (war sign) soon. Benjamin Netanyahu was born on October 21. It is same point of Square. People born near Oct 21, July 21, April 21, and Jan 21 has been under fire for long time
Back to astrology signatures, Saturn will be key point on Nov 4. It will turn direct that day at 0 Deg Pisces.
Additionally, Moon cycle will have new moon on November 13 in Scorpio. And Full moon on November 27 in Gemini at 4 degree.
Most affected birthdays are 13, 20, and 27,
Lets discuss things in detail.
Mars is moving in Intense Scorpio. It is time for expenses and emotional turbulence till November 24.
On November 13, new moon will trigger new desire to play big. It is on 20 Degree Scorpio and conjuncts Mars and Opposite Uranus. It may be eccentric , unexpected turns, or volatile new Moon. In India , It is Diwali time. Expenses may come out from nowhere. It may be emotional expense or financial expenses. If you were born near April 13, it is more so.
We have full moon of the month on November 27. It will be in Gemini. Again this full moon is close to Mars, square to Lilith and Saturn, and Quincux with Jupiter. So it is power packed full moon. It is more so if you were born near March 27.
Drive carefully, deal with Neighbors kindly, and keep gadgets safe. Education and skill gap may come up to deal with. Education and skill development are key here.
Relationships would be key here till Nov 24. If single try hard for marriage. If committed, use partnership to next level. Mars comes in this field once in two years so charge self for change.
Same partnership area will get another big trigger. On November 13, new moon is in Scorpio. It conjunct Mars and oppose Uranus. So it is electric and eccentric. Enemies may come up. Peers may demand more. Or partner may come up with new demand. You may have to divide something.
If you were born near May 13, it is more so.
We have full moon of the month on November 27. It will be in Gemini. This full moon is close to Mars, square to Lilith and Saturn, and quincunx with Jupiter. In short, it is power packed full moon. It is more so if you were born near April 27.
It is in financial income. Earning may get effect. It will be hard earn money, family, or self respect. Protect your earning.
Mars will move to Sagittarius on Nov 24. Sun and Mercury will also come to the same area. So that area will be at its peak. Marriage, peers, or partnerships will be key center. Till then health and work will be central themes.
Same work and health area will get another big trigger. On November 13, new moon is in Scorpio. It conjunct Mars and oppose Uranus. It is impactful new moon to rethink work and health life. You may need new work life. Current work matters are not working. A project may hit a dead end. Or, Health of someone close need new thinking.
If you were born near June 13, it is more so.
We have full moon of the month on November 27. It will be in Gemini. This full moon is close to Mars, square to Lilith and Saturn, and quincunx with Jupiter. In short, it is power packed full moon. It is more so if you were born near May 27.
It is about outlook, energy and perceptions. You may get result of past karma. It is way of thinking or choices you made. Gemini rules choices. It is choices that define us.
Pluto has started moving forward. Saturn will start on November 4. Things will start easing and moving.
Mars is in supportive sign of Scorpio till November 4. It is time to regulate love, kids, and creativity. After that work life will be key point.
Same love and child area will get another big trigger. On November 13, new moon is in Scorpio. It conjunct Mars and opposes Uranus. It is an impactful new moon to rethink love and creative life. You may need a new love life. Heart matters need attention. Do what your heart say near this full moon. Spend time with kids, art, music, and fun to get maximum of it
If you were born near July 13, it is more so.
We have a full moon of the month on November 27. It will be in Gemini. This full moon is close to Mars, square to Lilith and Saturn, and quincunx with Jupiter. In short, it is a power packed full moon. It is more so if you were born near June 27.
It is all about mind. How you think is key. It may be time full of emotional energy. Overthinking may get trigger by some truth. Get realistic and grounded. Take rest. Most probably you need mental rest.
Home is key house and full of Mars, Mercury and Sun. Design your home for better living. Make it secure and well build.
Same domestic matters will get another trigger at new moon. On November 13, new moon is in Scorpio. It conjunct Mars and opposes Uranus. It is an impactful new moon to rethink home and career life. Home will be active place and need more energy to be infused in it. Living place may need drastic change in career needs.
If you were born near August 13, it is more so.
We have a full moon for the month on November 27. It will be in Gemini. This full moon is close to Mars, square to Lilith and Saturn, and quincunx with Jupiter. In short, it is a power packed full moon. It is more so if you were born near July 27.
It is about social life and friends. Though this is supportive house, this full moon is dramatic. A social link or friend may need help. Social culture will be key. Friend may comment bad about you.
Saturn and Neptune are in opposite sign. Marriage and partnership may be in illusion and hard reality. It sucks sometimes. Orcus is moving in Virgo with Lilith and Juno. Partnership matters may demand more share of you.
Luckily, Mars, Sun and Mercury are in supportive third house. It will make communication with sibling and neighbors easy till November 24. After that domestic matters will come up.
Same sibling matters will get another trigger at new moon. On November 13, new moon is in Scorpio. It conjunct Mars and opposes Uranus. It is an impactful new moon to rethink mobility and skill life. Take care of aged people who can move around well. Physical mobility is key here. Dance, paint, and sing.
If you were born near September 13, it is more so.
We have a full moon for the month on November 27. It will be in Gemini. This full moon is close to Mars, square to Lilith and Saturn, and quincunx with Jupiter. In short, it is a power packed full moon. It is more so if you were born near August 27.
This is career house. Father needs special care. One influential figure in life may come up with high demand. You need to take care of self and how much you want to give in to rise in life. This is realization time for career efforts and comfort.
North node is in seventh house. Marriage will change colour in next 12-16 months. Peers will ask their share.
Luckily Mars, Sun, Mercury are supporting earned income . Money flow will remain stationary so the expenses. November 11 may be jittery day as Mars and Uranus will oppose each other.
Same earning matters will get another trigger at new moon. On November 13, new moon is in Scorpio. It conjunct Mars and opposes Uranus. It is an impactful new moon to rethink how earning may evolve. Save finance for long term. Unexpected expenses may come up.
If you were born near October 13, it is more so.
We have a full moon for the month on November 27. It will be in Gemini. This full moon is close to Mars, square to Lilith and Saturn, and quincunx with Jupiter. In short, it is a power packed full moon. It is more so if you were born near September 27.
This is legal house. Educational needs may demand travel. Or, study matter will need most emphasis on your time. In-laws or relatives may want you to learn deeply.
Mars, Sun and Mercury are passing though Scorpio till Nov 24. It will give you extra energy. Energy to execute things. November 11 is key date when Mars will oppose Uranus . It will give a jolt in relationship or expenses.
Same perception matters will get another trigger at new moon. On November 13, new moon is in Scorpio. It conjunct Mars and opposes Uranus. It is an impactful new moon to rethink how you manage self and perception. No point to get angry or trigger. Keep calm. Keep check on breathing and energy level. Use it for betterment.
If you were born near November 13, it is more so.
We have a full moon for the month on November 27. It will be in Gemini. This full moon is close to Mars, square to Lilith and Saturn, and quincunx with Jupiter. In short, it is a power packed full moon. It is more so if you were born near October 27.
This is partner’s income house. Expense would go high. It may drive things in emotional or financial expenses. Unexpected gain or losses may come up.
Mars , Sun, and Mercury are coming your way. It will trigger a new energy level in last ten days in November. Till then something is happening behind the scene for you.
Same mental thought matters will get another trigger at new moon. On November 13, new moon is in Scorpio. It conjunct Mars and opposes Uranus. It is an impactful new moon to rethink how you manage thoughts. Think deeply. Some truth and outburst may trigger anger in you. Meditation is best food for brain. Sit and observe. During this new moon you will need mental rest from thoughts.
If you were born near December 13, it is more so.
We have a full moon for the month on November 27. It will be in Gemini. This full moon is close to Mars, square to Lilith and Saturn, and quincunx with Jupiter. In short, it is a power packed full moon. It is more so if you were born near November 27.
This is for marriage and partnership. Marriage partner may come up with new idea or challenge. Peers or critics may demand extra share from your resources.
Pluto is direct in Capricorn now. Saturn will turn direct on November 4. Things will move foreward a bot for you. Restrictions may get little loose.
Mars , SUN and Mercury are in social life. Social links and friends would get you engaged.
Same social house matters will get another trigger at new moon. On November 13, new moon is in Scorpio. It conjunct Mars and opposes Uranus. It is an impactful new moon to rethink how you manage thoughts. A friend may need help. Or you may find social groups saying something about your energy or outlook.
If you were born near January 13, it is more so.
We have a full moon for the month on November 27. It will be in Gemini. This full moon is close to Mars, square to Lilith and Saturn, and quincunx with Jupiter. In short, it is a power packed full moon. It is more so if you were born near December 27.
This is for Job and health. Take care of health. You may get down as fever or something. Or someone close to you feel this temporary pressure. Drive carefully. Or work life may feel pressure.
Uranus, your ruler, is in retrograde. And it will oppose Mars around November 11. Better to ignore this jittry aspect. Near that window , keep patience.
Mars , Sun, and Mercury are in tenth house of career. Drive career to new level till November 24. See opportunities as windows.
Same social status matters will get another trigger at new moon. On November 13, new moon is in Scorpio. It conjunct Mars and opposes Uranus. It is an impactful new moon to rethink how you manage thoughts. A career opportunity to grow big may come up. Scan it carefully and execute.
If you were born near February 13, it is more so.
We have a full moon for the month on November 27. It will be in Gemini. This full moon is close to Mars, square to Lilith and Saturn, and quincunx with Jupiter. In short, it is a power packed full moon. It is more so if you were born near January 27.
This is for love and child matters. Pregnancy may cope up. Child needs your care. Or it may be heartbreak kind of thing. Love matters may fall apart.
Saturn and Neptune are in Pisces now. It is time to access reality of the pain. Saturn will go direct on November 4. It is necessary to see things clearly. No point to live in illusion. Saturn does not like empty ego. Keep self away from ego battles.
Mars , Sun, and Mercury are in ninth house of education, law, and travel. Deal them with care till November 24. See opportunity of windows. After Nov 24, It will be time for career and growth.
Same travel and legal matters will get another trigger at new moon. On November 13, new moon is in Scorpio. It conjunct Mars and opposes Uranus. It is an impactful new moon to rethink how you manage thoughts. One educational opportunity will come up near new moon. Observe it clearly. It may be wind up in choes.
If you were born near March 13, it is more so.
We have a full moon for the month on November 27. It will be in Gemini. This full moon is close to Mars, square to Lilith and Saturn, and quincunx with Jupiter. In short, it is a power packed full moon. It is more so if you were born near February 27.
Domestic matters may need attention. It is time to focus on making home a safe place. New living place is possible.
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