September 2023 Horoscope

Submitted by admin on Tue, 08/29/2023 - 08:47

Let’s discuss few main Astro signatures.

Most of the planets are in retrograde now. It is time to sit back and review things from distance. Don’t press things to move ahead. Jupiter will start retrograde from September 4. Though Venus (On September 3) and Mercury (September 15) will turn direct, it is supposed to be build up month for eclipses in October.

Meantime, New moon of September 14 is very positive. It is in Virgo sign of review and planning. Uranus and Pluto are so supportive to it. Just Neptune has slight opposition. So, be aware of haze around the new moon.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries.  Aries rules dynamism. Mars is moving in Virgo at point of this full moon. Expect bigger things in health and work area.

Mars is in Libra all September. It may impact justice and fairness.  


Mars is your ruler and moving in marriage and commitment part. Know your critics well. Partner may be touchy. If single, try to find new opportunity to get marriage.

Moon will bring two peaks in month. One is new moon on September 14. It is in health and work issue. So many changes in work life happening. It may be buildup to your responsibilities. It will be great time to review health. Join some gym, yoga, or fitness club. This new moon is too good. Uranus and Pluto are too supportive. If you are searching job for self or someone close, try your best shot near this window.

If you were born near April 14 , plus or minus five days, it is more so.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries. It is time to culminate some big goal. It will be result time and that should go in your favor. If you were born near March 29, it is more so.


Jupiter and Uranus are in Taurus. Both will go retrograde starting from September 4. It will create intense impact on your growth. Better review the situation. Your energy level may see fluctuations in retrograde. Review relationship with self and now.

Mars in work and health house. Work for self or other may be your priority. Join gym to trim some fat.

Moon will bring two peaks in month. One is new moon on September 14 in Virgo.  It is in romantic house.  It may be buildup to your heart matters. This new moon is too good. Uranus and Pluto are too supportive. If you are searching love, it may help. Sudden pregnancy is possible.  

If you were born near May 14 , plus or minus five days, it is more so.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries. It is time to culminate something in mental clarity. It will be result time and that should go in your favor. If you were born near April 29, it is more so. Take time to sleep and rest. Free your mind from constraints, barriers, and emotional boundaries. Go with flow. Forgive people and let them go , if they no longer serve any purpose.


Your ruler , Mercury, is in retrograde. So be cautious of things you hear or react. Starting September 14, things would be clearer.

 Jupiter and Uranus are two power houses. They are keeping you busy in mind.

Saturn and Neptune are in social life. Some reality check may be happening in social life and links.

Moon will bring two peaks in month. One is new moon on September 14 in Virgo.  It is in domestic house.  It may be buildup to your home security. This new moon is too good. Uranus and Pluto are too supportive. If you are searching new home and domestic security, this new moon will bring peak to it.   

If you were born near June 14 , plus or minus five days, it is more so.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries. It is time to culminate in social clarity. It will be result time and that should go in your favor. If you were born near May 29, it is more so. Take time to meet friends. New social arena will emerge. You are too good in it. Grab the opportunity.

Mars is moving in romantic house, so child and love may be close to your heart.


Cancer represents emotions. Heart matters are so crucial. Moon plays important role in it.

Moon will bring two peaks in this month. One is new moon on September 14 in Virgo.  It is in sibling , connect, or travel house.  Plan a holiday. This new moon is too good. Uranus and Pluto are too supportive. Buy new car, mobile , or some productivity tool. You will be feeling too relived. Take admission in new skill. It will help. You will feel better to get additional space in time.    

If you were born near July 14 , plus or minus five days, it is more so.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries. It is time to culminate in social status. It will be result time and that should go in your favor. If you were born near June 29, it is more so. Touch the heights. Meet high fliers or influential people. They may change many things in life.

Mars is in domestic part. It will activate place for living. Take care of mother and build new dream home.


Two houses have special focus now. One is career and social status and Another is partner’s income or big decisions.  Leo are seeing peak of career points or down of it. Nothing in between. Expenses or gains may be huge too.

Moon will bring two peaks in this month. One is new moon on September 14 in Virgo.  It is in earning  house.  You need to know how to convert things in your favor. This new moon is too good. Uranus and Pluto are too supportive. Negotiate hard with employer and try to get back stuck money. Look for opportunity to create another source of income.     

If you were born near August 14 , plus or minus five days, it is more so.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries. It is time to culminate in travel, in laws, or legal matters. It will be result time and that should go in your favor. If you were born near July 29, it is more so. Crack the legal code. Take admission in higher education to expand your horizon. It is time to fly away from home. Spiritual journey will help in growth. Or, a relative may visit you.

Mars is in sibling and connect. Use your time well and make it more productive.


Two houses have special focus now. One is relatives and legal status and Another is marriage and commitment.  These two areas are keeping your interest level. Some of you may be living away from home. Or may be concern about education of someone close.

Moon will bring two peaks in this month. One is new moon on September 14 in Virgo.  It is in own house of self growth and perceptions.  Your energy level would kick start to new level. This new moon is too good. Uranus and Pluto are too supportive. Go out and show the world how dedicated you are for your growth. They will appreciate your commitment.

If you were born near  September 14 , plus or minus five days, it is more so.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries. It is time to culminate in partner’s income matters. It will be result time and that should go in your favor. If you were born near August 29, it is more so. Focus on partner and it will turn in your favor. He/she may bring some good news in gains through rise in income or other financial breakthrough.  

Mars is in first house of earned income. It is time to spend money or create new source of income.


Mars is with you this month. It is time to show leadership. You will be appreciated. Take risk.

Two houses have special focus now. One is partner’s income or expenses status and Another is job and health.  These two areas are keeping your interest level. Job or health of partner may be concern now. Or it is point of maximum gains.  

Moon will bring two peaks in this month. One is new moon on September 14 in Virgo.  It is in sign of confidential information. New insight will happen which will create new path. Apply mind and know which direction is new and emerging now. This new moon is too good. Uranus and Pluto are too supportive.

If you were born near  October 14 , plus or minus five days, it is more so.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries. It is time to culminate in marriage matters. It will be result time and that should go in your favor. If you were born near September 29, it is more so. Marriage or partnership may show a peak. It is time to get more insight how things are going now. Long pending partnership may get new direction.


Pluto and North nodes are in square for few. Sibling, connect, education, time management may be key words for long. Movability of things may be concern for you. Some things are going too long. Senses may feel pressure till November.

Mars is in confidential house. It may highlight many new information. Plan things well to get maximum. Hidden friends may help.

Two houses have special focus now. One is marriage or partnership status and Another is child and love.  These two areas are keeping your interest level. Birth of child may be issue or love must convert in marriage for few of you.

Moon will bring two peaks in this month. One is new moon on September 14 in Virgo.  It is in sign of social links and connects. Friends will bring new insight. Meet new people and develop new group to expand your knowledge Uranus and Pluto are too supportive. You need a social gathering to release energy.

If you were born near November 14 , plus or minus five days, it is more so.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries. It is time to culminate in work and health matters. It will be result time and that should go in your favor. If you were born near October 29, it is more so. Work life may reach at culmination so the health. Someone may need help in job creation which you may do. It is best time to repair self, if any health issue.


Mars is in supportive Libra. It is time to focus on social links. That is angle to create happiness.

Moon will bring two peaks in this month. One is new moon on September 14 in Virgo.  It is in sign of social status. Social status will reach at new level. Meet influential people to grow higher. Uranus and Pluto are too supportive. This new moon is too good to create path forward.  

If you were born near December 14 , plus or minus five days, it is more so.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries. It is time to culminate in love and child matters. It will be result time and that should go in your favor. If you were born near November 29, it is more so. Love will stand for you. Child will bring good news for you.

Two houses have special focus now. One is work life and Another is home status.  These two areas are keeping your interest level. Work may demand home should be near. A disputed property needs new breakthrough. Or health of someone close may be concern for you now. Or job of child may be in your mind now.


Mars is in Libra. It is time to build career. Meet influential people to gain insight of your growth prospects.

Moon will bring two peaks in this month. One is new moon on September 14 in Virgo.  It is in sign of legal , travel, and relatives. Focus on education. Growth around you will boost your growth. Uranus and Pluto are too supportive. This new moon is too good to create path forward.  

If you were born near January 14 , plus or minus five days, it is more so.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries. It is time to culminate in domestic matters. It will be result time and that should go in your favor. If you were born near December 29, it is more so. Domestic matters will get new peak. Mother may need help. Connect with your values and make improvement in surroundings.

Two houses have special focus now. One is love life and Another is sibling status.  These two areas are keeping your interest level. Time pressure may be keeping you away from kids. You may be designing creative things. Time to be utilize better.


Mars is in Libra. It is supportive sign. Relatives would help. You may go deep in higher education. Legal breakthrough possible. Plan a holiday. Go for higher studies.  

Moon will bring two peaks in this month. One is new moon on September 14 in Virgo.  It is in sign of partner’s income. Focus on loan , gain, stuck money, or partner’ s income. These key words may create breakthrough. Uranus and Pluto are too supportive. This new moon is too good to create path forward.  

If you were born near February 14 , plus or minus five days, it is more so.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries. It is time to culminate in sibling and time matters. It will be result time and that should go in your favor. If you were born near January 29, it is more so. Plan a holiday. It will help you to release pressure.  

Two houses have special focus now. One is domestic life and Another is earned income status.  These two areas are keeping your interest level. Money yoy are earning may be going in EMI of home. Home repair may need extra income. Mother health may be issues. These are few possibilities.


Saturn and Neptune are in your sign. One is creating illusion and another is bringing you to ground,.  Reality should be preferred as it is only truth. Illusion is loss of vision sometimes.

Mars is in Libra. It is time to know what’s is social, emotional and financial reality. Awareness will help you to grab feel of it.

Moon will bring two peaks in this month. One is new moon on September 14 in Virgo.  It is in sign of marriage and commitment. Critics may be there. Marriage issue may peak near September 14. Uranus and Pluto are too supportive. This new moon is too good to create path forward.  

If you were born near March 14 , plus or minus five days, it is more so.

Full moon of September 29 is in Aries. It is time to culminate in earning matters. It will be result time and that should go in your favor. If you were born near February 29, it is more so. Push efforts to create new earning source.   

Two houses have special focus now. One is sibling or time life and Another is own energy status.  These two areas are keeping your interest level. Utilize time to create new something.  Sibling may be too demanding. You may be over working on skills. Education may be key here.