SCORPIO (Oct 23 to Nov 21) :: February 2016 Horoscope

Mars is moving in intense Scorpio. You are leader of Zodiac now. People will be surely impressive by your leadership quality. Push loose ends towards closure. Such support you get once in two years. It is time to work harder and focus on execution. Don’t hide in comfort zone. Raise the bar of performance.

New moon of 8th Feb in Aquarius is in domestic chart. Evaluate your living needs. If you don’t have stable living, think to get one. Fix any open end. Any possible vulnerability in property issue will come out in open. Many issues would get club. This is so aspected new moon. But focus of all will be on living standard or security. Middle of February is about it. Do address it.

If you were born near November 8, this new moon is closer.

A full moon is happening on February 22. Jupiter (luck), North node (hunger) and full moon are in Virgo. This is social house. It is supportive house. Friends and social links will be supportive. Hope will remain intact. You may go to social platform where you may meet many new faces and well wisher. It is time to explore social network. Do meet and add new links. Meet with them with a smile. You can hide your pain well.

If you were born near November 20, this full moon is about friends and society.

Long Term Aspects

Jupiter has been moving in social house. People will be key to next stage in life. Social life is being reviewed after 12 years. Connect with people with passion. Use social media to fullest. People are there to listen you.

Pluto is transforming your sibling area. It is time to add new skills. There is no other way to go on top. Uranus is in sixth house. It is time to experiment different field or area.

Neptune is in fifth house of love. Love life may be full of haze. New creative areas should be evaluated. Water, movies, art, or travel may be few options.

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