Leo Horoscope-November 2020

Submitted by admin on Mon, 11/02/2020 - 20:33

Jupiter (Big) ,Pluto (Changes), and Saturn (fear) conjunction happening in Capricorn. They will come more closer this month. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto on November 12. If you were born near August 14, a big work or job movement possible. A health issue may come up. It is time to know your health. Physical work is weak and demanding. . Fix it. Take medical assistance ,if needed. Another possibility is work timeline commitments.

Cancer Horoscope - November 2020

Submitted by admin on Mon, 11/02/2020 - 20:20

Jupiter (Big) ,Pluto (Changes), and Saturn (fear) conjunction happening in Capricorn. They will come more closer this month. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto on November 12. If you were born near July 14, a big relationship movement possible. You may need to know other better. Listen your enemies or critics. They may have an insight for you.

Gemini Horoscope - November 2020

Submitted by admin on Mon, 11/02/2020 - 20:17

Partial lunar eclipse is due in Gemini on November 30. Venus and Uranus slight tough with it. But is it partial lunar eclipse so keep focus on how world look at you. Celebrate your success. You may have to spend extra on personal things. This eclipse will impact more to people born near May 30. This eclipse is in communication sign of Gemini so expect this lockdown season to loosen up. Changes are coming in personal space. Gemini is comfortable in changes.

Capricorn 2021 Horoscope

Submitted by admin on Sat, 10/31/2020 - 15:15

2020 has been special year for all  of us.it is more so with Capricorn, Aries, Libra, and Cancer Signs. We all had struggle with power and disease. It has twisted many lives upside down. Capricorn is war sign and focus on reality. Safety first has been moto for us all. Corona did not leave rich or poor. Power word has different meaning for us now. Saturn (fear) ,Pluto (death), and Jupiter(big) have been close to each other  about whole year in 2020. People were scared ,restricted and helpless.

Sagittarius 2021 Horoscope

Submitted by admin on Sat, 10/31/2020 - 12:00

Eclipse time brings sudden and unexpected changes. Sagittarius loves changes. So it should not be issue. Eclipses will be kind of clean our path. Sagittarius has South node of moon. Two eclipses of November 30,2020 and December 14 ,2020 will set tone for new direction.

Mars has been moving in fifth house of love may need focus on need of heart first. Mars demand a new heart desires and their security. A unfulfilled love may come back and forth for you in second half od 2020.

Scorpio 2021 Horoscope

Submitted by admin on Mon, 10/26/2020 - 14:59

Most planets are in lower side of charts. It means home focus for Scorpio. 2020 may have been learning in transactions, health, Sibling, close relatives, or neighbors.  It  has been a tough journey for all of us. 2020 has been once in life time kind of year.

Mars in sixth house of work may need focus on physical health and its wellness. Safety of self , sibling, close relatives a prime responsibility. This year taught you health is so so important. Money come and go.

Libra 2021 Horoscope

Submitted by admin on Sun, 10/25/2020 - 17:13

Having Mars in seventh house for so long is painful a bit. People around you may be taking your decisions. You have control on only some issues. Marriage partner or business partner may be dictating terms. Know the weakness and resolve the manageable issues.