Cancer Horoscope - August 2020

Submitted by admin on Fri, 07/31/2020 - 09:58

Full moon of August 3 is little edgy. We have Uranus at its square.  It is in partners income and expense house. Money from others may have  issue and may shake. If you were born near July 3, this full moon may bring things to culmination. Near this full moon we have Mars Jupiter Square, Mercury -Saturn opposition too. So better to ignore conflict.  Unplanned expenses may come. Keep some financial buffer.

Mars is moving in social status. It is time to connect influential people.. Career needs new direction. Cancer  born within July 8 to July 20 will feel more pressure to give boost to  career  Mars is in shadow phase. It will go retrograde soon on September 9 to November 13. Social pressure may come August 4, 13, and 24. A boss may question your existence or  father may need health support.

Best aspect now is Jupiter Neptune sextile. It will help in realizing the dream in education and partnership.  

Uranus will go in retrograde from August 15. That will make all distant planets will be in retrograde beyond Mars. Mars is also in shadow phase. It may be hard to push things ahead. Uranus is around 10 degree so it will impact social life and friends. Cancer ,if born near July 2 will feel the heat.

New moon of August 19 is in Leo. It is earned income  house. Culmination will happen in money issue. Mars and Eris are good with it. So actions will be well coordinated. Saturn is responsible in your behavior. If you were born near July 19 , +/- five days , you will feel it impact