Gemini Horoscope - December 2020

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Sat, 11/28/2020 - 11:38

Jupiter and Saturn will leave partner’s income house of December 17 and 19. It will be big relief , if you have been going through hell in other people burden or expenses. 2021 they will bless travel education and in laws chart . So travel and education will be key in 2021. On December 21, both Jupiter and Saturn will conjunct in Aquarius. It may give hint what is coming ahead.

Most planets are in direct motion and eclipses season is in Sagittarius and Gemini. Both are commitment houses for you, commitment to self and others. Know deeply value of self and others in life. Moon nodes are in your own house and opposite house. So knowing worth of base is required. Weak links in life may go away.

Mars will be in Aries for one more month. It is time to correct social interaction. Repair old bonds, discard unwanted relations. Friends bring fresh air. We choose them. Social interaction or marriage parties may be of importance in first 15 days. In second half of December 2020, focus on health.

December brings marriage and commitment as key theme. It will be driven by eclipses of November 30 and December 14.  Eclipse of December 14 will kick start a new cycle of commitments -Marriage or business. This eclipse is sandwich between Venus -and Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter.  So expenses are possible for business reasons. It has great support from Mars. If you were born near June 14 +/- 5 days , this eclipse is for you. Next six months are about marriage realignments. New  level of commitment will emerge.  This eclipse  is good with Mars (action in social relations) but tough with Neptune (hazy in career)

December will end with full moon on December 29 in Cancer. This is earned income house. This full moon is perfect with Uranus ,so resolve the health issues. New job is possible.  If you were born near May 29, this full moon will bring a culmination.  New health regime will boost your health.