December 2021 Horoscopes

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Tue, 11/30/2021 - 11:02

On December 1, Neptune will turn direct. It will give clarity at Pisces area. Solar eclipse of Sagittarius is very intense. It may through unexpected moments. Mars and Uranus are locking planets most of the month, so time for unexpected events. People may fight for freedom. Respect for laws may minimal. Mars will be in Sagittarius on December 13. It is time to explore law , freedom, travel, distances etc.

December is big month for Saturn and Uranus Square. We all will look for new level of freedom. Third and Final Square will happen on December 24.

December 18 is full moon in Gemini. Communication will come fast. Jupiter is moving to Pisces on December 28. After that Pisces will be most blessed sign with Neptune and Jupiter.

 Another impactful aspect is Venus retrograde on December 19. Fun, Love, food, rest , or sleep will need additional effort especially for people with string Venus or weak Venus. Venus is in Capricorn and It needs efforts in love and care.

Aries -Libra

Travel – Communication , Law, Distance

Taurus- Scorpio

Money – Tax, Expenses, Resources

Gemini - Sagittarius

Marriage - Relationships

Cancer - Capricorn

Job- Health


Love – Friends

Virgo - Pisces

Home - Career

Birthday specific

                2 – Pressure for freedom

                4- New beginning , one chapter may end

                18- Happy culmination of something.


Mars, your ruler, is moving in Scorpio. Emotional water may keep expenses high. After December 13, same planet will move to travel area.

Venus will keep career uneasiness as Venus is almost stationary in Capricorn.

Solar eclipse of December 4 will create a distance between you or someone close. Sagittarius new moon is intense and at a point of surprises. A sudden travel may evolve. It is more so , if you were borned near April 4.

Full moon of December 18 is in Gemini. It will keep communication flow or travel as key focus. It is positive full moon with Jupiter is so supportive here. If you were born near April 19, this full moon is supportive to you.

Meantime, some Aries may feel pressure of Uranus –Saturn Square. It is time to feel freedom in money issues and social life, Friends may be supportive, It is more so with people borned near April 2.


Marriage and relationships may test you. Mars is moving in emotional Scorpio till December 13. After December 13, expenses may increase.

Venus will keep restlessness in travel and relatives. Be cautious and sleep well.

Solar eclipse of December 4 is intense and shocking. It is in expense which can be emotional or money terms. It is more so, if you were born near May 4. Unexpected events may turn your financial world upside down or vice versa.

Meantime, some Taurus may feel pressure of Uranus –Saturn Square. It is time to feel freedom in career issues and social status. It is more so with people borned near May 2.

Full moon of December 18 is in Gemini. It will keep communication flow or money flow as key focus. It is positive full moon with Jupiter is so supportive here. If you were born near May 19, this full moon is supportive to you. This is better full moon so money flow may be inward for you. Blessing of Jupiter is with you. So if you faced tough time near early of the month, this full moon may heal.



Solar eclipse of December 4 is intense and shocking. It is at point of great energy. So expect intense changes. Eclipse highlights underling issues. If you were born near June 4, it is more so. You may find self naked in front of truth. Mars and Uranus are so intense now.

Health may get down now as Mars is in sixth house of work. Relationships and health both at same time. Mars will go in marriage house on December 13.

Venus will keep expenses down or sex life dull as Venus is retrograde.

Bright light of the month is full moon of December 18 in Gemini. It is so good with Jupiter. It will help you to see brighter side. It is more so , if you were borned near June 18.

Jupiter will move to career house on December 28. It will bless the social status and career.

Meantime, some Gemini may feel pressure of Uranus –Saturn Square. It is time to feel freedom in legal or educational issues. It is more so with people borned near June 2.



Venus is in key house of marriage. It will get retrograde now. So expect some dullness from partner side. 7% of the time Venus retrogrades. Take care of rest, fun and love.

Solar eclipse of December 4 is house of work and health. Check your health concerns. Work load may be intense and new assignment may come with some challenge. It may be your health or someone close. With Mars and Uranus so prominent, sudden twists are possible. If you were born near July 4, these changes more so.

Mars will keep you busy in child matters or love till December 13. Afterwards , it will be in health chart. So December is Health and wellness month for you. Take care of health and work life. DO regular yoga and meditation. You will gain in long run.

Jupiter will move to travel and legal house on December 28. It will bless travel and movement for one year.

Full moon of December 18 is supportive at mental peace. It is time to relax and meditate. This will be prominent to people born near July 18.

Meantime, some Cancer may feel pressure of Uranus –Saturn Square. It is time to feel freedom in social issues and expenses. It is more so with people borned near July 2.  A friend may need your help.



December starts with frantic pace. We are in middle of eclipse season. Solar eclipse of December 4 is intense and unexpected twist type. Thankfully for Leo, it is in love life. Career needs may take away time from child or love. It is more so if you were born near August 4.

Energy is specific now and mostly saturated on other side. Enemies or critics will decide most of the part. Your motivation or drive may not work that much.

Mars is coming in love or child part on December 13. It will warm it again. If things are not going well. Mars will give time to repair it.

Full moon of December 18 is blessing in own form. It is in social life. A new circle may evolve. Know the depth of the social life and friend circle now.

Meantime, some Leo may feel pressure of Uranus –Saturn Square. It is time to feel freedom in marriage and career. It is more so with people borned near August 2.  Career or marriage may be issue.


 December is key month for you. As moon is peaking in key houses. Solar eclipse of December 4 may test your patience with mother/father or domestic issues. This eclipse is new beginning at domestic health. A new relationship may emerge.

Most energy is on other side. People may treat you in unexpected way.

Mars is coming in domestic health on December 13. So keep it arranges there. No need to be aggressive at home.

Full moon of December 18 is blessing in own form. It is in social status. People will appreciate you in big way. Jupiter is blessing this full moon. It is more so if you were borned near September 18.

Meantime, some Virgo may feel pressure of Uranus –Saturn Square. It is time to feel freedom in job , health and legal, travel. It is more so with people borned near September 2. 



Venus is your ruler and it will be in retrograde soon  from December 19.  It is in domestic house. So take care of sleep rest and love.

Solar eclipse of December 4 may test your patience with sibling / productivity issues. This eclipse is new beginning to improve productivity.  A new habit may emerge.

Mars will come in same house on December 13. So deal with sibling, neighbour , or car/mobile issue.

Full moon of December 18 is blessing in own form. It is in long distance travel or education. People will appreciate you in big way. Jupiter is blessing this full moon. It is more so if you were borned near October 18.

Meantime, some Libra may feel pressure of Uranus –Saturn Square. It is time to feel freedom in love and creativity from high expenses. It is more so with people borned near October  2. 


Solar eclipse of December 4 may test your patience with earned income issues. This eclipse is new beginning to improved earning or cut off in earnings.  An financial loss may occur from partner side. Critics may be very demanding.  

Mars will come in same house on December 13. So deal with money issue patiently.  

Full moon of December 18 is blessing in own form. It is in partner’s income.. Jupiter is blessing this full moon from domestic side. It is more so if you were borned near November 18.

Meantime, some Libra may feel pressure of Uranus –Saturn Square. It is time to feel freedom in domestic issue from marriage expectations. It is more so with people borned near November  2. 



Self vs relations is key issue now. Solar eclipse of December 4 is very intense in your sign. It is time to review your perceptions and outlook especially health and job life. It is more so if you were born near December 4.

Mars will come on December 13 in your sign and may press more to develop new game. Based on effort or situation, some Sagittarius may feel extra energy or depletion of energy,

 Venus is retrograde in December , so take care of earned income house.

Full moon of December 18 is blessing in own form. It is in marriage and partnership.. Jupiter is blessing this full moon from sibling side. It is more so if you were borned near December 18.

Meantime, some Sagittarius may feel pressure of Uranus –Saturn Square. It is time to feel freedom in Sibling or travel issue from job commitments. It is more so with people borned near December 2.  Paper work may be hectic or may be lot of travel.



Venus is in your sign now. On December 19, it is turning retrograde. During it , venus will conjunct Pluto two times. So passion may be tested. Take proper rest, love, and food.

December is health month for you. Both Mental and physical health will be tested.

Solar eclipse of December 4 is intense in mental health. You may need friend or psychotic help. Mars will enter in same part after December 13. So huge focus coming in mental healing.

Full moon of December 18 is blessing in own form. It is in physical health part. Jupiter is blessing this full moon from earning side. It is more so if you were borned near January 18.

Meantime, some Capricorn  may feel pressure of Uranus –Saturn Square. It is time to feel freedom in earning issue from love commitments. It is more so with people borned near January 2.  Child may ask for major investment.


Saturn ,- Uranus are head on in December again. So need for freedom is there from domestic part. Huge focus on self improvement. It is to work on self and work alone on career , or home. Support from other may not be there. Home may be eccentric now. Mother may need help.

Jupiter will move out of Aquarius on December 28. Its blessing will again come back after 12 years. Earned income will come under blessing now.

December is month of love and social life. A solar eclipse of December 4 is in social life of friends. It is will help in connecting new people. It is more so, if you were born near February 4. You are deeply social sign. It is more so in December. Help and Friend or not will be key issue.

Full moon of December 18 is blessing in own form. It is in love health part. Jupiter is blessing this full moon from own sign. It is more so if you were borned near February 18. Enjoy the blessing. Listen to your heart and you wont be disappointed.


Jupiter is coming your way on December 28. It will enter in your sign for 6-7 months. It is great time to grab blessing from both hands. It will meet Neptune in April 2022.

December is home and career month for you. Focus is huge on self development and walk alone. So use planetry help.

Solar eclipse of December 4 is close one. It is intense and eccentric. Observe area of career. Father may need help near it. A social status moment may need full focus. Career movement is critical. It is more so , if you were borned near March 4.

Full moon of December 18 is blessing in own form. It is in domestic part. Jupiter is blessing this full moon from own mental peace. It is more so if you were borned near March 18. Enjoy the blessing.

Meantime, some Pisces may feel pressure of Uranus –Saturn Square. It is time to feel freedom in mental thoughts from sibling commitments. It is more so with people borned near March 2.  Sibling or mobile need help.