Happy new year to all of you . Lets make 2024 productive, fulfilling and happy year with help of Astrology.

Most of the planets are direct in 2024 January month. Uranus will go direct on January 27. That will make January as fast and eventful month.

Mars , ruler of action, is in Capricorn in most part of the month (After Jan 4). This will make power focus extreme.

Another big moment is Pluto moving to Aquarius for first 9 months in Aquarius. It will transform technology and grip. Social media or social groups will get dimension.

Geo-cosmic energy is uneven in distribution. Uranus in Taurus and Venus in Sagittarius (till Jan 24) are sandwiching the planets in narrow space. So focus on freedom, quick sex, long sleep, cheap fun, or enjoyment would be at peak.

It is good tool to fix problems. It is tool to know future. In fact, there is no such tool available at the moment. 

It is data based. Survived years of hard work. It is science to know how frequency or energy is moving across the zodiac. 

Know the energy movement near your sun, moon and ascendent. Attack at right time. Go slow sometimes. 

GO with cosmic flow. It wont guarantee zero issues or no problems. It will give strength to come over them. It is like connecting human emotions with cosmic energy. Use it. It helps.