Cancer Horoscope - September 2020

Submitted by admin on Sun, 08/30/2020 - 03:17

September will start with a full moon in Pisces on September 2. It is in travel or education.  This full moon will bring educational matters at culmination. A pleasant surprise is possible as Uranus is making good vibes with this full moon. Lucky breakthrough is possible. Be close to guru or educational  people.  During this full moon Mars (action in social status),Venus (rest in self) and Saturn (restriction in marriage) are in t square. Rest and peace may be issue. But don’t lose sight from big goal.

Gemini Horoscope - September 2020

Submitted by admin on Sun, 08/30/2020 - 01:30

September will start with a full moon in Pisces on September 2. It is in social status.  This full moon will bring career matters at culmination. A pleasant surprise is possible as Uranus is making good vibes with this full moon. Lucky breakthrough is possible. Be close to influential people.  During this full moon Mars (action in social life),Venus (rest in earning) and Saturn (restriction in partner’s income) are in t square. Rest and peace may be issue. But don’t lose sight from big goal.

Taurus Horoscope - September 2020

Submitted by admin on Sat, 08/22/2020 - 12:23

Month will start with a full moon in Pisces on September 2. It is in social life.   During this full moon Mars (action in thoughts),Venus (rest in transactions) and Saturn (restriction in traveling) are in t square so it is possible that you want to travel but some restrictions. Meeting friends or having social event may be on agenda. These are moments to express self.

Aries - 2021 Horoscope

Submitted by admin on Sat, 08/22/2020 - 03:29

2020 has been a tough year for everyone. It changed our prospective towards life. Nature is so important. Cororna took over the world and we human has been feeling helpless. This energy will continue till year end 2020 with gradual degradation. Humanity has been changed forever.

Aries Horoscope - September 2020

Submitted by admin on Tue, 08/18/2020 - 00:25

It is unusual  time. Mars is moving in slow motion preparing for retrograde on September 9. Mars in retrograde till November 13 at 15 Degree Aries. Resolve your anger issues.  If you have been born between April 5 and April 20, focus on anger management. It is not right to fight with influential people. Career may swing in different direction. Some Aries are getting advantage of career gravity especially born near April 19.