Lunar eclipse - June 5, 2020

Submitted by admin on Fri, 05/29/2020 - 21:31

Lunar eclipse coming on June 5. It is tough with Mars and neptune.. it is emotional and impulsive... If you were born near 5 of any month, you will feel impact..

Aries.. travel law
Taurus.. expenses,
Gemini.. marriage
. Work health
Leo. Love
Virgo.. home mother
Libra.. sibling.. travel
Scorpio. Earned income
Sagittarius.. outlook perception
Capricorn.. mental peace..
Aquarius. Social life
Pisces. Career..

New moon at gemini

Submitted by admin on Sun, 05/17/2020 - 09:46

New moon at gemini 2 deg ..on May 22 has close trine with saturn... It is so good aspect for recovering and rebuilding.. overlapping aspect is Venus and Mercury square to neptune.. confusion and lack of sleep or love.. impact will be on people born near 22.

Optimize the consciousness

Submitted by admin on Tue, 05/12/2020 - 08:08

Productivity is not time optimization. It is mindfully living. Consciousness has habit of slipping away. Our thoughts are one kind of sense. Like good food, it has habit of slipping in daydreaming, hating someone, breaking head against wall, or addictions. Energy meant for larger good ends in wasteful life. Lets discuss wastage of awareness

Corona and Future

Submitted by admin on Wed, 05/06/2020 - 11:15

Corona is new buzzword. It is going to redefine the way business will happen going forward. No risk expert had predicted it. We are stuck with an enemy we hardly know. Offices have lockdown. After lockdown is over ,we will be in new era of work life. Those who were busy in firefighting are sitting at home. Oil was gold few days back. Everything has changed. We have new battle to fight. Importance of life is back.

May 2020 is better month

Submitted by admin on Sun, 05/03/2020 - 06:58

It seems to have better month. Full moon of May 7 is so beautiful. It is well placed in Taurus. 

Middle of the month have 3 retrograde one fater another. Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. Love may not be easy to go till June 25. Take care of food, love and sleep.  disillusionment in love, confusion, and deception is possible. Venus just remain in rx for 7% of time and it is strongest,, in Lockdown time, It will be interesting how love will become rare.  

Full moon Scorpio -May 7

Submitted by admin on Sun, 04/26/2020 - 06:27

Scorpio full moon is well aspected... Neptune is supporting it..Venus is not so supportive... Mercury is opposing it.. So a mixed productive full moon is coming to us. We need to use it, People born near 7th will get its impact// 

Venus Retrograde from May 13, 2020, to June 25, 2020. 

Submitted by admin on Sun, 02/16/2020 - 16:05

The next Venus retrograde lasts from May 13, 2020, to June 25, 2020.  It is going to resuffle your relationships. BAd marriages may fall apart. Take care of your food, sleep and love. As i use to say, planet has maximum effect in first shaddow period. Venus will enter in this zone from 9 April . 2020. 

At present Pluto , Saturn , and Mercury are in Shadow periods. Jupiter will join them on February 18. 

It will be 5 Deg Gemini to 21 Degree Gemini. Planets lying in this reason will get its impact. This retrograde happens in once in 18 months. 

