Are we love obsess ??

Submitted by admin on Sun, 02/16/2020 - 13:27

All emotions are playing in extreme. We are loving too much, hating too much. Feeling exausted and tired. IN cave era, we were more happy. We have less choices. We were more satisfied. Now in era of over-trigger or over-race. Over trigger means more productivity. More race to fill time ahead. More goals and more expectations to get more from people and things. 

Are we designed for it ? Are we on verge of collapse ? No one know its impact on our conciousness. Though we have adopted the culture of changes with ease, but now changes are happening at very fast speed. 


Retrograde period..

Submitted by admin on Sat, 02/08/2020 - 16:33

Mercury is in shadow phase.. 

Saturn is in shadow phase starting Feb 2

Jupiter  will be in rx shadow phase Feb 18..

It weaken the planet as Planet has to deaccelerate its speed.. 


Mercury retrograde Feb 16 to March 10

Submitted by admin on Sat, 02/01/2020 - 15:11

Mercury retrograde is irritating. It delays things. I Observed it is hits most in first few days of shadow. We are already in it. If things are getting delay. Don't get desparate. This is also time to reappear things, past friends, relations, boy friend. 

Pisces is emotional sign. Dont take big decisions. Delay is possible. Clear past clutter or clean home to use your energy. 


All planets are direct

Submitted by admin on Thu, 01/16/2020 - 04:28

Next one month is action packed. All planets are direct. Most planets are between Mars and Uranus except Moon. Huge focus is there at Mars point. Mercury will go retrograde on February 18 to March 9. That time things will slow a bit.

At this moment, Sun is closest to us. Venus , Mercury, Mars, Jupiter are further to Sun.

Push things in right direction till February 1. Mercury will be in shadow period from  feb 1.

New moon of January 25 is important milestone. It is slightly unstable.