Mars Opposite Uranus..

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/11/2019 - 09:12

Unexpected turn of events for people born near 27 of any month..

  • Aries.. Money
  • Taurus - Marriage
  • Gemini - Mental peace
  • Cancer - Social life
  • Leo - Social status ,Career
  • Virgo - Legal laws, Travel
  • Libra - Money and sex
  • Scorpio - Marriage ..
  • Sagittarius - Job and health
  • Capricorn - Love life..
  • Aquarius - Home
  • Pisces - Travel, sibling..

Management by Zodiac..2/2

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/04/2019 - 09:29

You are unique. Some talent is inbuilt in you. Most people do what they are not supposed to do. It is HR role to identify it well and use the natural talent of the person. Zodiac is long survived perceptions, it has withstand time and data. In first part , I gave details about Aries to Virgo. Now lets discuss Libra to Pisces  

                Libra – Decorator, Journalist, Marketing, Customer service, Group building, Justice,  

                Scorpio – Strategy, Research, Analysis, Data , Operation, Consolidation, Reengineering

Management by Zodiac..1/2

Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/04/2019 - 09:26

It is necessary that you should know talent of each person and use them accordingly. It is normal to see waste of talent in private sector. Person fit for some job, are being used for another job.  We have all have some natural talent. Astrology can help some way to map potential. I am discussing it in 2 parts. Organizations should do talent mapping according to astrology to fit them at right place. Pushing everyone with one stick won’t help. Common signs and their work are

Full moon October 13 - Aries

Submitted by admin on Wed, 10/02/2019 - 11:05

Full moon is in Aries 20 Degree.. Good aspect with Jupiter (luck).  Bad aspect with Pluto (passion)..Culmination in initiative, Independence, action. Mars is tough with Uranus near it. So huge focus is possible in freedom and independence. People born near 13th of any month would get impacted. So it will be focus in theses areas..