Quantum Conciousness

Submitted by admin on Wed, 01/31/2024 - 06:39

Quantum consciousness is a speculative concept that attempts to explain consciousness and related phenomena through the lens of quantum mechanics, a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of particles at the smallest scales. While the idea is intriguing and has garnered interest among some scientists and philosophers, it remains highly controversial and lacks empirical evidence to support it conclusively.


Benefit of Fasting

Submitted by admin on Wed, 01/31/2024 - 04:55

Fasting, when done responsibly and under appropriate supervision, can have several potential benefits, both for physical and mental health. Here are some commonly cited benefits of fasting:

  1. Weight Loss: Fasting can lead to a reduction in calorie intake, which may result in weight loss. Additionally, fasting has been shown to increase metabolism and promote fat burning.


February 2024 Horoscopes

Submitted by admin on Sun, 01/28/2024 - 13:49

Planets are squeezing the gravity between Venus (in Capricorn) and Uranus (in Taurus). It is time to focus on rest, fun, luxury with responsibility. Society is now pleasure driven and relations are falling apart. Mars and Venus are in Capricorn in first half of the February. Both are planets which are driving thing very fast.


Physics is base

Submitted by
Fri, 01/26/2024 - 06:58

Physics is base of life. We hardly understand it. Conflict of quantum world and special theory of relativity are still mess. We are in search of theory of everything to push physics to new level. 

Imagine we know only two particles well - Electron and Photon. 

If we know all zoo of particles well. humanity could do wonders. Experimental physics is still far from theortical physics.  Our assumptions are in all direction, still equations are not matching the reality. 


New moon of February 10 in Aquarius - Eccentric drive

Submitted by
Thu, 01/25/2024 - 07:08

This new moon is in Mars ruled Dhanishta nakshatra ... Mars is moving in end degree of Capricorn at that time. Focus between freedom, fun, pleasure etc.. Uranus will move tough aspect with this new moon, so remain calm and think innovative or creative ways to solve it..

It is new begining and impact more to people born near 10th of any month


Yoga Heals

Submitted by
Thu, 01/25/2024 - 04:39

Yoga is way of life. It works on mind more than body. Even few minutes daily can keep you healthy and fit. 

Most important battle nowadays is fitness, Not just physical, mental fitness matters. Almost one month over in 2024 and review your fitness. 

Venus and many other planets are in Capricorn. It is best time to review health and start a journey. 

Yoga is not just aashana, it is about breathing, peace of mind and having a productive life in today's noise. 


Full moon in Leo - January 25 - Big emotional restriction

Submitted by
Mon, 01/15/2024 - 04:54

Full moon of Leo has square with Jupiter and Quincux with Saturn. Both are tough aspects to fix sign moon. Ego clashes with some restrictions.

This full moon is in Pushya Nakshatra (Saturn ruled). Emotional volcono may come out. People may be too rigid on their stand, need compassion. 

Mercury has been favoc mode as it is passing through Moola nakshtra. It will soon be out. Communication will be soon restored. 

It will affect people born near 25 of any month, Culmination of following 


New moon on Jan 11 in Capricorn - Unexpected good changes though with emotions instability

Submitted by
Thu, 01/11/2024 - 08:48

New moon on Jan 11 in Capricorn - Unexpected good changes though with emotions instability

Uranus is too good with this new moon.. Only north node is square to it.. changes will need emotional pressure..

Saturn , the ruler of this new moon , is too good with Mars and Jupiter. Long term changes are here.

If you were born near 11, this is more so.
